On most hosts you can use a mouse to point to objects on the display. A mouse is a physical device that controls the location of a cursor, which is a small, movable symbol on the display. Due to the precision required, you must use a mouse to perform tasks in the ISHIKAWA environment.
Text is placed relative to the text cursor and not the mouse cursor ( ). The mouse cursor is always visible, while the text cursor is displayed only when text can be entered (for example, when
an arrow is being added).
The mouse also has buttons that work like keys on the keyboard. On most hosts, you select an object by pointing to it with the mouse and clicking the left button on the mouse. To click, press the button down and release it quickly without moving the mouse. To double click, click twice quickly without moving the mouse. To drag, move the mouse while holding down the left mouse button.
Popup menus appear to pop up on the display when you press a button—usually the right mouse button. Popup menus are convenient to use, since they always appear at the cursor location. Selecting an item from the popup menu, however, is host specific.
For details about using the mouse on your system, consult the SAS companion for your host.