Overview of Generating and Publishing Events

Using Explicit Event Publication

Explicit event publication enables a SAS program to generate an event of any kind and publish it explicitly. First, the event is defined by using the CALL routines EVENT_BEGIN and EVENT_BODY. The CALL routine EVENT_PUBLISH is used to generate the event and publish it by using HTTP, message queuing, or a publication channel. The event is generated by using an XML specification for generic events. The CALL routine EVENT_END is then used to free all resources associated with the event.
Note: The Publishing Framework does not currently support event retrieval. However, custom programs can be developed to provide this functionality.
To collect and process events that the Publishing Framework generates, you can develop customized programs by using the Event Broker service. The Event Broker is one of the Foundation Services that is by provided with SAS Integration Technologies.

Using Implicit Event Publication

The PACKAGE_PUBLISH CALL routine automatically generates a SASPackage event whenever a package is published to a channel. The SASPackage event is captured as a well-formed XML document that describes the package. For details, see the XML Specification for SASPackage Events.
Subscribers to the channel who are designated as event subscribers then receive the event via their chosen transport methods. This feature enables subscribers to be aware that new information has been published to the channel. To designate a subscriber as an event subscriber, use the Publishing Framework plug-in for SAS Management Console.
To collect and process events that the Publishing Framework generates, you can develop customized programs by using the Event Broker service. The Event Broker is one of the Foundation Services that is provided with SAS Integration Technologies.

XML Specifications for Events

The Publishing Framework uses well-formed XML specifications to generate events. For detailed information, see the following topics: