What’s New in Developing JSR–168–Compliant Portlets for SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3


SAS Information Delivery Portal 4.3 contains several enhancements for the Portlet Deployment Tool.

Enhancements for the Portlet Deployment Tool

The Portlet Deployment Tool (PDT) supports the following changes and enhancements:
  • The PDT now creates WAR files in the custom content area for the BI Portlets Web application. The files are included automatically when you rebuild the BI Portlets Web application by using the SAS Deployment Manager. It is no longer necessary to redeploy your custom portlets after applying hot fixes or maintenance updates to SAS.
  • The PDT supports a new XML properties file as input, as an alternative to the build.properties file. The XML properties file enables you to deploy multiple portlets at once and to specify locale-specific portlet titles and descriptions.