Sample Portlet: HelloUserJSR168PortletSample

Overview of HelloUserJSR168PortletSample

The HelloUserJSR168PortletSample portlet is a JSR 168 portlet that greets the user by using the name of the user who is logged on. The portlet also displays images that are packaged with the portlet and retrieves resources from the theme service. The portlet features VIEW, EDIT, and HELP modes.
The HelloUserJSR168PortletSample Portlet
The HelloUserJSR168PortletSample Portlet
The portlet calls a Web application named sample.hellouser.jsr168.war, which uses SAS Foundation Services to access session information from the Portal Web application and obtain the user name of the current user. The sample.hellouser.jsr168.war application generates an HTML fragment that is displayed within the portlet.
To create the HelloUserJSR168PortletSample sample, follow these steps:
  1. Create the base directory for the portlet source.
  2. Configure the scripting facility.
  3. Use the scripting facility to create the subdirectories for the source.
  4. Copy the picklist of required JAR files.
  5. Configure files for the Spring Framework.
  6. Create the configurable source files.
  7. Create the static source files.
  8. Copy the images for the portlet.
  9. Prepare your development environment.
  10. Compile the source code and build the portlet EAR file.
  11. Load the portlet into the BI Portlets Web application.
  12. Rebuild the SAS Information Delivery Portal.
  13. Redeploy the Web applications.
  14. Restart the Web application server.

Step 1: Create the Base Directory for the Portlet Source

Create the base directory. All of the portlet source files are placed in subdirectories of this path. Throughout this example, the base directory is referred to as the source-directory.

Step 2: Configure the Scripting Facility

This sample uses the Testportlet Scripting Facility that is delivered with the SAS Information Delivery Portal. To configure the scripting facility for the sample, follow these steps:
  1. Create a new directory within SAS-config-directory/Levn/CustomAppData named SampleHelloUserJSR168Portlet. Use the portlet name for the configuration directory name.
    The following rules apply to the portlet name and configuration directory structure:
    • Neither portlet names nor their paths can contain spaces.
    • The portlet name must be unique.
  2. Copy the files from SAS-config-directory/Levn/CustomAppData/testportlet to the new directory.
  3. Edit the file in your SampleHelloUserJSR168Portlet directory. The code that is highlighted must be changed or added to the file:
    # If you change the value "testportlet", make sure to rename in all properties 
    # here as well as in the custom_config.xml.
    # Change the value of this property to be the name of your web application.
    config.currprod.legalname=Hello User JSR168 Portlet Sample
    # The value of this property should be the location where the configuration 
    # files are placed.  Make sure to change the level directory based on your 
    # installation and make sure to rename testportlet if the value of 
    # config.currprod.12byte changes above.
    # Do not change the value of this property.  The name might be changed if you 
    # change the value of config.currprod.12byte above.
    # Change the value of this property to be the location of your portlet's source 
    # code and configuration files.  The name might be changed if you change the 
    # value of config.currprod.12byte above.
    # Change the value of this property to be the name of your war and ear 
    # file.  The name might be changed if you change the value of 
    # config.currprod.12byte above.
    # Change the value of this property to be the context root of your web 
    # application and the name of the portlet.  The name might be changed if you 
    # change the value of config.currprod.12byte above.
    # Change the value of this property to be the versioned name of your web 
    # application.  This property is only used for JSR168 portlets.  The name might 
    # be changed if you change the value of config.currprod.12byte above. User JSR168 Portlet Sample
    # Change the value of this property to be the name of the local services 
    # to use for the connection information.
    # Add any other configuration properties that your JSR168 portlet and/or web 
    # application may need.
    Note: You must use forward slashes (/) in your directory values. For example, C:/SAS/EBI/Lev1/CustomAppData/SampleHelloUserJSR168Portlet.

Step 3: Create the Source Subdirectories

Perform the following steps to create the source directories that are needed for the portlet source:
  1. Ensure that the SAS Metadata Server is running.
  2. In a command shell, navigate to the SAS-config-directory/Levn/CustomAppData/SampleHelloUserJSR168Portlet directory.
  3. Enter the following command:
    cfg createJSR168PortletDirectories 
    where unrestricted-user-password is the password for the unrestricted user.
    Note: You can submit a password as clear text or as an encoded string from the PWENCODE procedure. For more information, see Encryption in SAS 9.2.
    Check the customconfig.log file in SAS-config-directory/Levn/CustomAppData/SampleHelloUserJSR168Portlet to ensure that the script completed successfully.
  4. Manually create these additional directories for this sample:
Your source directory should contain the following structure:

Step 4: Copy the Picklist of Required JAR Files

The portlet sample uses a picklist file to identify the JAR files from the SAS versioned JAR repository that are needed.
Copy the picklist from SAS-Home-Directory/SASBIPortlets/4.2/Picklists/wars/sas.biportlets to source-directory/Picklists/wars/sample.hellouser.jsr168.
Note: If you update your SAS software, then you must update the picklist and repeat steps 9 through 15.

Step 5: Configure Files for the Spring Framework

The sample portlet uses the Spring Framework to integrate with the Web Infrastructure Platform. To configure the Spring Framework for the portlet, perform the following steps:
  1. Copy the Spring configuration files from SAS-Home-Directory/SASBIPortlets/4.2/Static/wars/sas.biportlets/WEB-INF/spring-config to source-directory/Static/wars/sample.hellouser.jsr168/WEB-INF/spring-config.
  2. Modify the pc-config.xml file to remove the following lines:
    <bean id="viewerFactory"
     <constructor-arg ref="baseUrlLocator" />
    <bean id="omrSearchInfoFactory"
     <constructor-arg ref="localSecuredUser" />
    <constructor-arg ref="logger" />
    <bean id="searchEngine"
    <constructor-arg ref="localInformationService" />
    <constructor-arg ref="omrSearchInfoFactory" />
    <constructor-arg ref="logger" />

Step 6: Create the Configurable Source Files

Overview of the Configurable Source Files

The configurable source files are files that contain parameter substitutions. These files are placed in the source-directory/Configurable directory structure. These files use values from the file that you modified in step 2.


This file uses parameters from the file to describe the contents of the portlet Web application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application xmlns="" 


This file uses parameters from the file to define settings for the portlet Web application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app id="@webapp.testportlet.contextroot@" version="2.4" 

<!-- BEGIN Spring Integration --> 
    <!-- beanRefContext.xml is currently provided as part of the sas.svcs.cluster.jar. -->
      This corresponds to the name of your SoftwareComponent
      object in the SAS Metadata Server.
       <param-value>BI Portlets 4.2</param-value>
    <!-- END Spring Integration --> 

    <!-- Cross Site Scripting Sanitizer -->
    <!-- Cross Site Scripting Filter -->

    <!-- logging context separation listener (this should be the FIRST listener) -->

    <!-- Spring Bootstrap --> 


    <!-- only comes into play if container = WebSphere -->



This file uses parameters from the file to define settings for the portlet.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<portlet-app xmlns=""
                                /opt/SUNWps/dtd/portlet.xsd" version="1.0"> 

    <!-- Sample Hello User JSR168 Portlet -->
        <description>A sample JSR168 SAS-enabled portlet.</description>
        <!-- *** Name used as PAR file name and displayed to user. *** -->
        <display-name xml:lang="en"></display-name>

        <!-- Portlet Resource Bundle  -->




This file uses parameters from the file to define settings that the portlet uses in the JBOSS server.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


This file uses parameters from the file to define settings that the portlet uses in the Oracle WebLogic server.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<weblogic-web-app xmlns="" 

Step 7: Create the Static Source Files

Overview of the Static Source Files

The static source files are files that do not contain parameter substitutions. These files are placed in the source-directory/Static directory structure.


This file creates the page that is displayed for the EDIT mode of the portlet.
<%@ page import="javax.portlet.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import="sample.HelloUserJSR168PortletSample"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>

    PortletURL actionUrl = renderResponse.createActionURL();

<fmt:setLocale value="${sas_portlet_locale}" />
<fmt:setBundle basename="sample.res.Resources" />

<form name="<portlet:namespace />_form1" method="post" action="<%=actionUrl.toString()%>"> 
        <div class="portlet-font" >
            <fmt:message key="edit1.txt"/>
            <fmt:message key="edit2.txt"/>
            <input type="hidden" 
                value="<%=HelloUserJSR168PortletSample.ACTION_UPDATE%>" />
            <input class="button" type="submit" 
                value='<fmt:message key="ok.txt"/>'
                alt='<fmt:message key="ok.txt"/>' 


<c:if test="${PARAM_THEME_IMAGE_PATH != null}">
    <form name="<portlet:namespace />_form2" method="post" action="<%=actionUrl.toString()%>"> 
            <div class="portlet-font" >
                <fmt:message key="edit3.txt"/>
                <input type="hidden" 
                    value="<%=HelloUserJSR168PortletSample.ACTION_REMOVE%>" />
                <input class="button" type="submit" 
                    value='<fmt:message key="remove.txt"/>'
                    alt='<fmt:message key="remove.txt"/>' 


This file creates the page that is displayed for the HELP mode of the portlet.
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet"%>


    String filename = renderResponse.encodeURL(renderRequest.getContextPath())+"/images/Note.gif";
    ResourceBundle rb = portletConfig.getResourceBundle(renderRequest.getLocale());

<div class="portlet-font" >
     <%= rb.getString("help1.txt") %>
     <%= rb.getString("help2.txt") %>

<img src="<%=filename%>" alt="Note.gif Image" title="Note GIF Image" />


This file creates the page that is displayed for the VIEW mode of the portlet.
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import="sample.HelloUserJSR168PortletSample"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>


    String themeImagePath = 

<fmt:setLocale value="${sas_portlet_locale}" />
<fmt:setBundle basename="sample.res.Resources" />

<div class="portlet-font" >
    <fmt:message key="view1.txt"/>
    <c:out value="${PARAM_USERNAME}" />

<c:if test="${PARAM_THEME_IMAGE_PATH != null}">
    <fmt:message key="view2.txt"/>
    <img src="<%=themeImagePath%>" />
    <fmt:message key="view3.txt"/>


This file creates the main Java source for the portlet.
Note: The filename and file location must match the 'portletClass' property value that is specified in the hellouserjsr168portlet.xml Spring configuration file.
package sample;


import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.GenericPortlet;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.PortletMode;
import javax.portlet.PortletRequestDispatcher;
import javax.portlet.PortletSession;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.web.portlet.context.PortletApplicationContextUtils;


public class HelloUserJSR168PortletSample extends GenericPortlet {

    /** used by the JSP to get request parameters and attribute to display users name **/
    public static String PARAM_USERNAME = "PARAM_USERNAME";
    public static String FORM_ACTION = "FORM_ACTION";
    public static String ACTION_UPDATE = "UPDATE";
    public static String ACTION_REMOVE = "REMOVE";
    public static String _viewJsp;
    public static String _editJsp;
    public static String _helpJsp;
    public static String _errorJsp;

    public void init()  {
        PortletConfig portletConfig = getPortletConfig();
        /** these have to match property values 
            from WEB-INF/spring-config/hellouserjsr168portlet.xml **/
        _viewJsp = portletConfig.getInitParameter("viewPage");
        _editJsp = portletConfig.getInitParameter("editPage");
        _helpJsp = portletConfig.getInitParameter("helpPage");
        _errorJsp = portletConfig.getInitParameter("errorPage");

    protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException,
            IOException {
        String forwardPage = null;

        /** get a UserContext from the PortletSessionFacade **/
        PortletSessionFacade sessionFacade = PortletSessionFacadeImpl.getSessionFacade(request);
        UserContextInterface userContext = sessionFacade.getUserContext();
        try {
            String userName = userContext.getPerson().getDisplayName();
            // set request parameters as attributes for use by JSTL
            request.setAttribute(PARAM_USERNAME, userName);
            // get the PortletSession to determine if the image should be displayed
            PortletSession ps = request.getPortletSession();
            // see if theme name exists as the result of a processAction call
            String themeImagePath = (String) ps.getAttribute(PARAM_THEME_IMAGE_PATH);
            request.setAttribute(PARAM_THEME_IMAGE_PATH, themeImagePath);
            forwardPage = _viewJsp;
        } catch (ServiceException e) {
            forwardPage = _errorJsp;
        // forward request to jsp
        PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(forwardPage);
        rd.include(request, response);

    public void doHelp(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws
        IOException, PortletException {
        PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(_helpJsp);
        rd.include(request, response);

    public void doEdit(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {
        PortletSession ps = request.getPortletSession();
        String themeImagePath = (String) ps.getAttribute(PARAM_THEME_IMAGE_PATH);
        request.setAttribute(PARAM_THEME_IMAGE_PATH, themeImagePath);

        PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(_editJsp);
        rd.include(request, response);

    public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)
        throws PortletException {
        PortletSession ps = request.getPortletSession();
        // retrieved from the form action hidden field name EDIT_ACTION
        String action = request.getParameter(FORM_ACTION);
        // ACTION_UPDATE is the value of the hidden field named EDIT_ACTION
        if (action != null) {
            if (action.equals(ACTION_UPDATE)) {
                /** demonstrates accessing WIP Services to get a theme **/
                // set the SecurityContext as a thread local attribute needed by WIP Services
                SecurityContext sc = (SecurityContext)request.getPortletSession()
                    .getAttribute(WebKey.SECURITY_CONTEXT, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
                // get the ApplicationContext and ThemeResolver to access the theme service to get the theme
                // name being used
                ApplicationContext appContext = 
                ThemeResolverInterface themeResolver = 
                String themeName = themeResolver.getCurrentThemeName();
                ThemeServiceInterface themeService = (ThemeServiceInterface)appContext.getBean("themeService");
                Theme theme = themeService.getTheme(themeName);
                // get theme resource to display in View (an image defined in SASthemes.xml)
                Image image = theme.getImage("portlet_Help");
                String imagePath = image.getFile();
                ps.setAttribute(PARAM_THEME_IMAGE_PATH, imagePath);
            } else if (action.equals(ACTION_REMOVE)) {

This file contains all of the strings that are used in the portlet user interface.
Note: The filename and file location must match the value of the 'setBundle' property that is specified in the edit.jsp file.
javax.portlet.title=Sample JSR168 Test Portlet
javax.portlet.short-title=JSR168 Test Portlet
javax.portlet.keywords=SAS, UserContext, JSR168, test

# View mode text
view2.txt=This image is a theme resource ('portlet_Help' defined in SASthemes.xml).
view3.txt=Use the Edit mode to remove the image.

# Edit mode text
edit1.txt=You are in Edit mode.
edit2.txt=The OK button will retrieve a resource (image) from the SAS ThemeService.
edit3.txt=The Remove button will remove the Theme image from the View mode.

# Help mode text
help1.txt=You are in Help mode.
help2.txt=This shows an image that is included with the portlet.



This file creates the Spring Framework interceptors for the portlet. Interceptors handle user requests for portlet features.
Note: This file must be located in the same directory as hellouserjsr168portlet.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "../../dtd/spring-beans.dtd">
  <!-- HandlerIntercepters -->
  <bean id="sasPortletInterceptor"
        class="" />
  <bean id="backToPortalInterceptor"
        class="" />


This file creates the Spring Framework integration parameters for the portlet.
Note: The filename and file location must match the 'contextConfigLocation' property value that is specified in the portlet.xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "../../dtd/spring-beans.dtd">
  <import resource="interceptors.xml" />
    <bean id="HelloUserJSR168PortletSampleBean"
      <property name="portletClass">
        <!-- This is the class name for the sample portlet. -->
      <property name="useSharedPortletConfig">
      <property name="initParameters">
          <prop key="viewPage">/jsp/view.jsp</prop>
          <prop key="editPage">/jsp/edit.jsp</prop>
          <prop key="helpPage">/jsp/help.jsp</prop>
          <prop key="errorPage">/jsp/error.jsp</prop>
    <!-- Handler Mappings -->
    <bean id="portletModeHandlerMapping"
      <property name="interceptors">
          <ref bean="sasPortletInterceptor"/>
      <property name="portletModeMap">
          <entry key="view"><ref bean="HelloUserJSR168PortletSampleBean"/></entry>
          <entry key="edit"><ref bean="HelloUserJSR168PortletSampleBean"/></entry>
          <entry key="help"><ref bean="HelloUserJSR168PortletSampleBean"/></entry>

Step 8: Copy the Images for the Portlet

Copy the file Note.gif from SAS-Home-Directory/SASBIPortlets/4.2/Static/wars/sas.biportlets/images to source-directory/Static/wars/sample.hellouser.jsr168/images.

Step 9: Prepare the Development Environment

Before you compile and deploy the sample portlet, prepare your development environment by following these steps:
  1. Stop the Web application server on which the SAS Information Delivery Portal is running.
  2. Back up your metadata content. For more information, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
  3. Ensure that the SAS Metadata Server is running. The configuration and deployment scripts require access to your metadata.

Step 10: Compile the Source Code

Use the scripting facility to compile your portlet source and build the portlet EAR file:
  1. In a command shell, navigate to the SAS-config-directory/Levn/CustomAppData/SampleHelloUserJSR168Portlet directory.
  2. Enter the following command to compile the portlet:
    cfg compileJSR168Portlet -Dmetadata.connection.passwd="unrestricted-user-password"
    where unrestricted-user-password is the password for the unrestricted user.
    Note: You can submit a password as clear text or as an encoded string from the PWENCODE procedure. For more information, see Encryption in SAS 9.2.
  3. Check the customconfig.log file to ensure that the script completed successfully.
  4. Enter the following command to build the EAR file:
    cfg buildJSR168Webapps -Dmetadata.connection.passwd="unrestricted-user-password"
    where unrestricted-user-password is the password for the unrestricted user.
    Note: You can submit a password as clear text or as an encoded string from the PWENCODE procedure. For more information, see Encryption in SAS 9.2.
  5. Check the customconfig.log file to ensure that the script completed successfully.

Step 11: Load the Portlet into the BI Portlets Web Application

Use the Portlet Deployment Tool to load the new portlet into the BI Portlets Web application:
  1. Modify the properties file for the Portlet Deployment Tool. Update the file SAS-config-directory/Levn/Web/Applications/SASBIPortlets4.2/PortletDeploymentTool/src/ with the changes that are highlighted:
    # Properties that will change for each portlet ear processed
    # the webapps ServletContext name. the value needs to be the same 
    # as the value of the <context-root> tag in the 
    # META-INF/application.xml file of the portlet ear.
    # example: SASBIDashboardJsr168
    # the name of the war file that will be processed inside the portlet 
    # ear. Note that this version of the Portlet Deployment Tool can only
    # process one war file.
    # example: sas.bidashboardjsr168
    # the app server to which the portlet ear file will be deployed.
    # valid entries are jboss, weblogic, and websphere
    # example: websphere
    # name of the portlet ear file.
    # example: sas.bidashboardjsr1684.2.ear
    # full path to the portlet ear file.
    # example: c:/SAS/EntBIServer/Levn/Web/Staging/portlet-ear-file-name
    # work directory for temporary files.
    # example: c:/temp/pdt
  2. In a command shell, navigate to the SAS-config-directory/Levn/Web/Applications/SASBIPortlets4.2/PortletDeploymentTool/src directory.
  3. Call the level_env.bat script to set environment variables.
    On Windows, enter the following command:
    On UNIX, enter the following command:
  4. Call the launchant.bat script to execute the Portlet Deployment Tool.
    On Windows, enter the following command:
    On UNIX, enter the following command:

Step 12: Rebuild the SAS Information Delivery Portal

The EAR file for the SAS Information Delivery Portal contains files that are associated with each portlet. To add the new portlet, you must rebuild the SAS Information Delivery Portal by using the SAS Deployment Manager. For more information, see "Rebuilding the SAS Web Applications" in the "Middle-Tier Administration" chapter of the SAS Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide.

Step 13: Redeploy the Web Applications

Redeploy the EAR files for the SAS Information Delivery Portal and the BI Portlets Web applications.
The SAS Information Delivery Portal file is located at SAS-config-directory/Levn/Web/Staging/sas.portal4.2.ear.
The BI Portlets file is located at SAS-config-directory/Levn/Web/Temp/PDT/staging/sas.biportlets4.2.ear.
For instructions about redeploying Web applications, see "Redeploying Web Applications" in the "Middle-Tier Administration" chapter of the SAS Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide.

Step 14: Restart the Web Application Server

Start the Web application server on which the SAS Information Delivery Portal is deployed. The custom portlet should now be available to the portal as SampleHelloUserJSR168Portlet.