What’s New in the Base SAS 9.4 Statistical Procedures

FREQ Procedure Enhancements

  • Likelihood ratio and Wald modified confidence limits are available for the relative risk. (You can request confidence limits for the relative risk by using the RELRISK(CL=) option.) These confidence limits can be displayed in the relative risk plot.

  • Exact mid-p, likelihood ratio, and Wald modified confidence limits are available for the odds ratio. (You can request confidence limits for the odds ratio by using the OR(CL=) option.) These confidence limits can be displayed in the odds ratio plot.

  • The score (Farrington-Manning) and Hauck-Anderson methods are available for the risk difference equality test, which you can request by using the RISKDIFF option in the TABLES statement. You can specify a null value of the risk difference for equality tests.

  • You can specify a null value of the ratio of discordant proportions for McNemar’s test by using the AGREE(MNULLRATIO=) option.

  • Noninferiority, equivalence, and equality tests are available for the relative risk. Test methods include score (Farrington-Manning), Wald, Wald modified, and likelihood ratio. You can specify these tests and methods by using the RELRISK option in the TABLES statement.

  • The following types of binomial confidence limits are now available: Blaker, exact mid-p, likelihood ratio, and logit. (You can request binomial confidence limits in the BINOMIAL(CL=) option.)

  • The new OR(CL=SCORE) option provides score confidence limits for the odds ratio. The new RELRISK(CL=SCORE) option provides score confidence limits for the relative risk. Score confidence limits can be displayed in the odds ratio and relative risk plots.

  • The RISKDIFF(COMMON) option provides Mantel-Haenszel, stratified Newcombe, and summary score estimates of the common risk (proportion) difference. The common risk difference can be displayed in the risk difference plot.

  • The MIDP option in the EXACT statement produces mid p-values for exact tests.

  • The new COLORSTAT= option for mosaic plots colors the tiles according to the values of the Pearson residuals or the standardized residuals. The SCALE=GROUPPERCENT option for two-way frequency plots displays the row or column percentages (instead of the overall percentages). The CLDISPLAY=SERIFARROW and CLDISPLAY=LINEARROW options are now available to control the error bars in odds ratio, relative risk, risk difference, and kappa plots.

  • The CROSSLIST(PEARSONRES) option displays the Pearson residuals in the CROSSLIST table.