Shared Concepts and Topics

Running in Symmetric Mode

The following statements run the HPLOGISTIC procedure in symmetric mode on the data appliance:

proc hplogistic data=dataLib.simData;
   class a b c;
   model y = a b c x1 x2 x3;
   performance host       = ""
               nodes      = 10
               gridmode   = sym;

Figure 3.8 shows the results of this analysis.

Figure 3.8: Alongside-the-Database Execution in Symmetric Mode on Teradata

The HPLOGISTIC Procedure

Performance Information
Host Node
Execution Mode Distributed
Number of Compute Nodes 24
Number of Threads per Node 24

Data Access Information
Data Engine Role Path
DATALIB.simData TERADATA Input Parallel, Symmetric

Model Information
Data Source DATALIB.simData
Response Variable y
Class Parameterization GLM
Distribution Binary
Link Function Logit
Optimization Technique Newton-Raphson with Ridging

Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimate Standard
DF t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 5.7011 0.2539 Infty 22.45 <.0001
a 0 -0.01020 0.06627 Infty -0.15 0.8777
a 1 0 . . . .
b 0 0.7124 0.06558 Infty 10.86 <.0001
b 1 0 . . . .
c 0 0.8036 0.06456 Infty 12.45 <.0001
c 1 0 . . . .
x1 0.01975 0.000614 Infty 32.15 <.0001
x2 -0.04728 0.003098 Infty -15.26 <.0001
x3 -0.1017 0.009470 Infty -10.74 <.0001

The "Performance Information" table shows that the execution occurs in symmetric mode on the 24 nodes of the data appliance. In this case, the NODES=10 option in the PERFORMANCE statement is ignored because the number of nodes that are used is determined by the number of nodes across which the data are distributed, as indicated in the following warning message in the SAS log:

 WARNING: The NODES=10 option in the PERFORMANCE statement is ignored because
          you are running alongside the distributed data source
          DATALIB.simData.DATA. The number of compute nodes is determined by the
          configuration of the distributed DBMS.