Writes data from a PROC FCMP array variable to a data set that can then be used by SAS programs, macros, and procedures.
Category: Array
Note: When SAS translates between an array and a data set, the array will be indexed as [row, column].


rc = WRITE_ARRAY(data_set_name, array_variable <, 'col_name_1', ..., 'col_name_n'>);

Required Arguments

is 0 if the function is able to successfully write the data set.
specifies the name of the data set to which the array data will be written. data_set_name must be a character literal or variable that contains the member name (libname.memname) of the data set to be created.
specifies the PROC FCMP array or matrix variable whose contents will be written to data_set_name.

Optional Argument

specifies optional names for the columns of the data set that will be created.
If specified, col_name must be a literal string enclosed in quotation marks. col_name cannot be a PROC FCMP variable. If column names are not specified, the column name will be the array name with a numeric suffix.


Example 1: Using the WRITE_ARRAY Function with a PROC FCMP Array Variable

This example uses the ARRAY statement and the WRITE_ARRAY function with PROC FCMP to write output to a data set.
options nodate pageno=1 ls=80 ps=64;

proc fcmp;
   array x[4,5] (11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 35 41 42 43 44 45);
   rc = write_array('work.numbers', x);

proc print data = work.numbers;
Output from Using the WRITE_ARRAY Function
                         The SAS System                                       1
                    Obs    x1    x2    x3    x4    x5

                        1     11    12    13    14    15
                        2     21    22    23    24    25
                        3     31    32    33    34    35
                        4     41    42    43    44    45

Example 2: Using the WRITE_ARRAY Function to Specify Column Names

This example uses the optional colN variable to write column names to the data set.
options pageno=1 nodate ps=64 ls=80;

proc fcmp;
   array x[2,3] (1 2 3 4 5 6);
   rc = write_array('numbers2', x, 'col1', 'col2', 'col3');

proc print data = numbers2;
Output from Using the WRITE_ARRAY Function to Specify Column Names
                             The SAS System                                1

                          Obs    col1    col2    col3

                           1       1       2       3
                           2       4       5       6