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The COMPARE Procedure

Overview: COMPARE Procedure

What Does the COMPARE Procedure Do?

The COMPARE procedure compares the contents of two SAS data sets, selected variables in different data sets, or variables within the same data set.

PROC COMPARE compares two data sets: the base data set and the comparison data set. The procedure determines matching variables and matching observations. Matching variables are variables with the same name or variables that you pair by using the VAR and WITH statements. Matching variables must be of the same type. Matching observations are observations that have the same values for all ID variables that you specify or, if you do not use the ID statement, that occur in the same position in the data sets. If you match observations by ID variables, then both data sets must be sorted by all ID variables.

What Information Does PROC COMPARE Provide?

PROC COMPARE generates the following information about the two data sets that are being compared:

Further, PROC COMPARE creates two kinds of output data sets that give detailed information about the differences between observations of variables it is comparing.

The following example compares the data sets PROCLIB.ONE and PROCLIB.TWO, which contain similar data about students:

data'First Data Set');
   input student year $ state $ gr1 gr2;
   label year='Year of Birth';
   format gr1 4.1;
1000 1970 NC 85 87
1042 1971 MD 92 92
1095 1969 PA 78 72
1187 1970 MA 87 94

data proclib.two(label='Second Data Set');
   input student $ year $ state $ gr1
         gr2 major $;
   label state='Home State';
   format gr1 5.2;
1000 1970 NC 84 87 Math
1042 1971 MA 92 92 History
1095 1969 PA 79 73 Physics
1187 1970 MD 87 74 Dance
1204 1971 NC 82 96 French

How Can PROC COMPARE Output Be Customized?

PROC COMPARE produces lengthy output. You can use one or more options to determine the kinds of comparisons to make and the degree of detail in the report. For example, in the following PROC COMPARE step, the NOVALUES option suppresses the part of the output that shows the differences in the values of matching variables:

proc compare
             compare=proclib.two novalues;

Comparison of Two Data Sets

                                 The SAS System                                1

                               COMPARE Procedure
                   Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO

                               Data Set Summary

 Dataset               Created          Modified  NVar    NObs  Label

 PROCLIB.ONE  13MAY98:15:01:42  13MAY98:15:01:42     5       4  First Data Set
 PROCLIB.TWO  13MAY98:15:01:44  13MAY98:15:01:44     6       5  Second Data Set

                               Variables Summary

               Number of Variables in Common: 5.
               Number of Variables in PROCLIB.TWO but not in PROCLIB.ONE: 1.
               Number of Variables with Conflicting Types: 1.
               Number of Variables with Differing Attributes: 3.

               Listing of Common Variables with Conflicting Types

                      Variable  Dataset      Type  Length

                      student   PROCLIB.ONE  Num        8
                                PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8

             Listing of Common Variables with Differing Attributes

           Variable  Dataset      Type  Length  Format  Label

           year      PROCLIB.ONE  Char       8          Year of Birth
                     PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8
           state     PROCLIB.ONE  Char       8
                     PROCLIB.TWO  Char       8          Home State
                                 The SAS System                                2

                               COMPARE Procedure
                   Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO

             Listing of Common Variables with Differing Attributes

           Variable  Dataset      Type  Length  Format  Label

           gr1       PROCLIB.ONE  Num        8  4.1
                     PROCLIB.TWO  Num        8  5.2

                              Observation Summary

                         Observation      Base  Compare

                         First Obs           1        1
                         First Unequal       1        1
                         Last  Unequal       4        4
                         Last  Match         4        4
                         Last  Obs           .        5

        Number of Observations in Common: 4.
        Number of Observations in PROCLIB.TWO but not in PROCLIB.ONE: 1.
        Total Number of Observations Read from PROCLIB.ONE: 4.
        Total Number of Observations Read from PROCLIB.TWO: 5.

        Number of Observations with Some Compared Variables Unequal: 4.
        Number of Observations with All Compared Variables Equal: 0.
                                 The SAS System                                3

                               COMPARE Procedure
                   Comparison of PROCLIB.ONE with PROCLIB.TWO

                           Values Comparison Summary

        Number of Variables Compared with All Observations Equal: 1.
        Number of Variables Compared with Some Observations Unequal: 3.
        Total Number of Values which Compare Unequal: 6.
        Maximum Difference: 20.

                         Variables with Unequal Values

              Variable  Type  Len   Compare Label  Ndif   MaxDif

              state     CHAR    8   Home State        2
              gr1       NUM     8                     2    1.000
              gr2       NUM     8                     2   20.000

Procedure Output shows the default output for these two data sets. Producing a Complete Report of the Differences shows the complete output for these two data sets.

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