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The SOAP Procedure

Concepts: SOAP Procedure

With PROC SOAP, you can include an optional SOAPEnvelope element in your XML file. Do this if you want to include custom information in the SOAPHeader element. A SOAP envelope wraps the message, which has an application-specific message vocabulary. The SOAPHeader content will be added to the actual Web service request that is made by Axis2. This addition occurs because there could be additional SOAPHeader elements included by Axis2. These elements support WS-Addressing or WS-Security that were not included in the XML file that was passed to PROC SOAP. The XML code that is transmitted might not exactly match the XML code provided in this case.

A request does not need to be contained in a SOAP envelope. Axis2 will add the appropriate envelope if you do not specify an envelope, or will incorporate the specified envelope into the envelope that is sent. A response is returned within an envelope only if the envelope property is set. The default behavior is to return only the contents of the envelope.

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