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The SQL Procedure

Example 12: Joining Two Tables and Calculating a New Value

Procedure features:

GROUP BY clause

HAVING clause

SELECT clause

ABS function

FORMAT= column-modifier

LABEL= column-modifier

MIN summary function

** operator, exponentiation

SQRT function


This example joins two tables in order to compare and analyze values that are unique to each table yet have a relationship with a column that is common to both tables.

options ls=80 ps=60 nodate pageno=1 ;
data stores;
  input Store $ x y;
store1 5 1
store2 5 3
store3 3 5
store4 7 5
data houses;
   input House $ x y;
house1 1 1
house2 3 3
house3 2 3
house4 7 7

Input Tables

 Note about figure
                                  STORES Table                                 1
                             Coordinates of Stores

                          Store            x         y
                          store1           5         1
                          store2           5         3
                          store3           3         5
                          store4           7         5
                                  HOUSES Table                                 2
                             Coordinates of Houses

                          House            x         y
                          house1           1         1
                          house2           3         3
                          house3           2         3
                          house4           7         7


 Note about code
options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60;
 Note about code
proc sql;
   title 'Each House and the Closest Store';
   select house, store label='Closest Store',
          sqrt((abs(s.x-h.x)**2)+(abs(h.y-s.y)**2)) as dist
              label='Distance' format=4.2
      from stores s, houses h
 Note about code
      group by house
      having dist=min(dist);

Output: Listing

 Note about figure
                        Each House and the Closest Store                       1

                          House     Store     Distance
                          house1    store1        4.00
                          house2    store2        2.00
                          house2    store3        2.00
                          house3    store3        2.24
                          house4    store4        2.00

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