Compare this table with the output in Customizing Row and Column Headings. The two tables are identical, but the program that creates this table uses Expenditures and Sum in the row dimension. PROC TABULATE automatically eliminates blank headings from the column dimension, whereas you must specify ROW=FLOAT to eliminate blank headings from the row dimension.

                      Energy Expenditures for Each Region                      1
                             (millions of dollars)

              |                       |      Customer Base      |
              |                       |-------------------------|
              |                       |Residential |  Business  |
              |                       | Customers  | Customers  |
              |Region     |Division   |            |            |
              |-----------+-----------|            |            |
              |Northeast  |New England|      $7,477|      $5,129|
              |           |-----------+------------+------------|
              |           |Middle     |            |            |
              |           |Atlantic   |     $19,379|     $15,078|
              |West       |Mountain   |      $5,476|      $4,729|
              |           |-----------+------------+------------|
              |           |Pacific    |     $13,959|     $12,619|