PROC COMPARE identifies specific observations by the value of IDNUM. In the Value Comparison Results for Variables section, PROC COMPARE prints the nonmatching addresses and nonmatching salaries. For salaries, PROC COMPARE computes the numerical difference and the percent difference. Because ADDRESS is a character variable, PROC COMPARE displays only the first 20 characters. For addresses where the observation has an IDNUM of 0987 , 2776 , or 3888 , the differences occur after the 20th character and the differences do not appear in the output. The plus sign in the output indicates that the full value is not shown. To see the entire value, create an output data set. See Comparing Values of Observations Using an Output Data Set (OUT=).

                Comparing Observations that Have Matching IDNUMs               1

                               COMPARE Procedure
            Comparison of WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM with WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM

                               Data Set Summary

      Dataset                      Created          Modified  NVar    NObs

      WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM  13MAY98:16:03:36  13MAY98:16:03:36     4      10
      WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM  13MAY98:16:03:36  13MAY98:16:03:36     4      12

                               Variables Summary

                     Number of Variables in Common: 4.
                     Number of ID Variables: 1.

                              Observation Summary

                    Observation      Base  Compare  ID

                    First Obs           1        1  idnum=0987
                    First Unequal       1        1  idnum=0987
                    Last  Unequal      10       12  idnum=9857
                    Last  Obs          10       12  idnum=9857

 Number of Observations in Common: 10.
 Number of Observations in WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM but not in WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM: 2.
 Total Number of Observations Read from WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM: 10.
 Total Number of Observations Read from WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM: 12.

 Number of Observations with Some Compared Variables Unequal: 5.
 Number of Observations with All Compared Variables Equal: 5.
                Comparing Observations that Have Matching IDNUMs               2

                               COMPARE Procedure
            Comparison of WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM with WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM

                           Values Comparison Summary

        Number of Variables Compared with All Observations Equal: 1.
        Number of Variables Compared with Some Observations Unequal: 2.
        Total Number of Values which Compare Unequal: 8.
        Maximum Difference: 2400.
                         Variables with Unequal Values

                      Variable  Type  Len  Ndif   MaxDif

                      address   CHAR   42     4
                      salary    NUM     8     4     2400

                     Value Comparison Results for Variables

                    ||  Base Value           Compare Value
             idnum  ||  address               address
             _____  ||  ___________________+  ___________________+
             0987   ||  2344 Persimmons Bran  2344 Persimmons Bran
             2776   ||  12988 Wellington Far  12988 Wellington Far
             3888   ||  5662 Magnolia Blvd S  5662 Magnolia Blvd S
             9857   ||  1000 Taft Ave. Morri  100 Taft Ave. Morris

                Comparing Observations that Have Matching IDNUMs               3

                               COMPARE Procedure
            Comparison of WORK.EMP95_BYIDNUM with WORK.EMP96_BYIDNUM

                     Value Comparison Results for Variables

                    ||       Base    Compare
             idnum  ||     salary     salary      Diff.     % Diff
             _____  ||  _________  _________  _________  _________
             0987   ||      44010      45110       1100     2.4994
             3286   ||      87734      89834       2100     2.3936
             3888   ||      77558      79958       2400     3.0945
             9857   ||      38756      40456       1700     4.3864