PROC PLOT produces a plot for each BY group. Only the plot for the Northeast is shown. Because New York has a missing value for Expenditures, the observation is excluded and PROC PLOT does not use the value 35 for DropoutRate to calculate the horizontal axis. Compare the horizontal axis in this output with the horizontal axis in the plot for Northeast in Adding Labels to a Plot.

                 Plot of Dropout Rate and Expenditure Per Pupil                1

---------------------------------- Region=NE -----------------------------------

          Plot of Expenditures*DropoutRate$State.  Symbol used is '*'.

Expenditures |                                                          |
        8000 +                                                          |
             |                                                          |
             |                     * New Jersey                         |
             |                                                          |
             |                                                          |
        7000 +                                                          |
             |     * Connecticut                                        |
             |                                                          |
             |                                                          |
             |                                                          |
        6000 +                                         Massachusetts *  |
             |                                              * Maryland  |
             |                                                          |
             |                                                Delaware *|
             |                                                          |
        5000 +                                                          |
             |                              * Maine         * New Hampshire
             |                                                          |
             |                                                          |
             |                                                          |
        4000 +                                                          |
             |                                                          |
              16       18       20       22       24       26       28       30

                                  Dropout Percentage - 1989

NOTE: 1 obs had missing values.