Locking and Unlocking Jobs

Orchestration jobs are locked when opened in the editor and unlocked when the editor tab is closed. This feature supports collaborative development so that multiple users can work with jobs in the same system. For information about versioning, see Working with Versions.
The following display shows the lock status indicator, which is located in the top right corner of the SAS Folders tab:
Lock Status Indicator
Lock Status Indicator
When a job is locked, other users can open the job in Read-Only mode. Furthermore, the job cannot be renamed or deleted. However, an explicit unlock operation is provided for cases where it might be needed, though only for administrative users who have rights to unlock other users’ jobs. For example, if User A has an orchestration job open for editing, User B can click Unlock to unlock the job. This feature should be used with caution because it overrides the versioning system. Again, only administrators can unlock jobs.
The following display shows the Unlock option for a selected job in the SAS Folders tab:
Unlock Option
Unlock Option
The Unlock Orchestration Job window is shown in the following display:
Unlock Orchestration Job Window
Unlock Orchestration Job Window
This window warns you that you are unlocking a job that has been locked by another user. It also gives you the opportunity to either unlock the job or cancel the operation. Typically, only administrators have the ability to unlock jobs that were created by others. For more information and the required capabilities, see Default Groups, Roles, and Capabilities.