This example illustrates the ability of the %MSPTOSAS macro to convert multiple projects saved in one database file to a form
readable by the PM procedure. Assume you have two projects, named "Software Project" and "Marketing Project," in the Microsoft
Access file mspsas3.mdb
. The details of the projects are displayed in Output 6.3.1 and Output 6.3.2.
Output 6.3.1: Marketing Project: Microsoft Project Window
Output 6.3.2: Software Project: Microsoft Project Window
You can use the following call to the %MSPTOSAS macro to convert the projects and open them in the PM window:
%msptosas(mdbfile=C:\MSPROJ\mspsas3.mdb, version=2003)
The PM window containing the preceding projects is displayed in Output 6.3.3.
Output 6.3.3: PM Window