Alternates Window

This window enables you to specify the alternates profile for the current resource. By adding records to the profile, you can indicate which resources can be substituted for the current resource and at what rate they can be substituted. Alternate resources are optional, but they can be very helpful in reducing resource infeasibilities. Only resources of the same type (consumable or replenishable) can be substituted for one another.

Resources List

The Resources list contains all of the resources defined for the project that are of the same type (replenishable or consumable) as the current resource, as substitutions can only be made by like-typed resources. Selecting one or more resources in this list enables you to add records to the alternates profile.


The Rate field is used to specify the rate of substitution for an alternate resource specification. For example, if resource Z is to be substituted for resource X with a substitution rate of 0.5, an activity that requires 1 unit of resource X could be completed with 0.5 units of resource Z.


The horizontal slider can be used to indicate a priority for an alternate resource specification. Lower numbers indicate higher priority. This priority is used to order the resources that are listed as alternates (substitutes) for the current resource.

Alternates Profile

The Alternates Profile indicates the resources that are eligible to be substituted for the current resource (if the current resource is unavailable during project scheduling). Records in this list are ordered by priority to indicate the order in which substitutions would be made, if needed. To add or update records in the list, select one or more resources in the Resources list, specify the rate of substitution and the priority, and click the Add/Update button. To delete records from the list, select the desired records and click the Delete button.


Clicking the Add/Update button adds or updates a record in the alternates profile depending on the current resource, rate, and priority settings.


Clicking the Delete button removes the currently selected records in the alternates profile. Note that deletions cannot be aborted unless changes to the resource are not saved.