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Using This Book

Additional Graphics Options by Procedure

GANTT Procedure

The following PATTERN statements are used to create the color output from PROC GANTT:

   pattern1 c=green   v=s;
   pattern2 c=green   v=e;
   pattern3 c=red     v=s;
   pattern4 c=magenta v=e;
   pattern5 c=magenta v=s;
   pattern6 c=cyan    v=s;
   pattern7 c=black   v=e;
   pattern8 c=blue    v=s;
   pattern9 c=brown   v=s;

NETDRAW Procedure

The following GOPTIONS and PATTERN statements are used to create the color output from PROC NETDRAW:

   goptions cback=ligr;
   pattern1 v=e c=green;
   pattern2 v=e c=red;
   pattern3 v=e c=magenta;
   pattern4 v=e c=blue;
   pattern5 v=e c=cyan;

DTREE Procedure

The following GOPTIONS statement is used to create the color output from PROC DTREE:

   goptions cback=ligr ctext=black;
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