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The Unconstrained Nonlinear Programming Solver

Conditions of Optimality

Before beginning the discussion, the following notation is presented for easy reference:

is the dimension of (that is, the number of decision variables).

is the iteration (that is, the vector of decision variables).

is the objective function.

is the gradient of the objective function.

is the Hessian matrix of the objective function.

Denote the feasible region as . In unconstrained problems, any point is a feasible point. Therefore, the set is the entire space.

A point is a local solution of the problem if there exists a neighborhood of such that


Further, a point is a strict local solution if strict inequality holds in the preceding case; that is,


A point is a global solution of the problem if no point in has a smaller function value than ); that is,


All the algorithms in the NLPU solver find a local minimum of an optimization problem.

Unconstrained Optimization

The following conditions hold for unconstrained optimization problems:

  • First-order necessary conditions:  If is a local solution and is continuously differentiable in some neighborhood of , then

  • Second-order necessary conditions:  If is a local solution and is twice continuously differentiable in some neighborhood of , then is positive semidefinite.

  • Second-order sufficient conditions:  If is twice continuously differentiable in some neighborhood of and and is positive definite, then is a strict local solution.

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