The first several PROC OPTMODEL statements declare index sets and parameters, read the input data, and calculate additional parameters:
proc optmodel; set <str> DEPOTS; read data depot_data into DEPOTS=[depot]; set DAYS; str day_name {DAYS}; num demand {DEPOTS, DAYS}; read data demand_data into DAYS=[_N_]; num num_days = card(DAYS); DAYS = 0..num_days-1; read data demand_data into [_N_] {depot in DEPOTS} <demand[depot,_N_-1]=col(depot)>; set LENGTHS; num length_prob {LENGTHS}; num cost {LENGTHS}; num price_same {LENGTHS}; num price_diff {LENGTHS}; read data length_data into LENGTHS=[length] length_prob=prob cost price_same price_diff; num transition_prob {DEPOTS, DEPOTS}; read data transition_prob_data into [i] {j in DEPOTS} <transition_prob[i,j]=col(j)>; for {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS} transition_prob[i,j] = transition_prob[i,j] / 100; num transfer_cost {DEPOTS, DEPOTS} init 0; read data transfer_cost_data nomiss into [i] {j in DEPOTS} <transfer_cost[i,j]=col(j)>; num repair_capacity {DEPOTS} init 0; read data repair_data into [depot] repair_capacity; num rental_price {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS, day in DAYS, length in LENGTHS} = (if i = j then price_same[length] else price_diff[length]) - (if day = 5 and length = 1 then &saturday_discount);
Because the company wants a periodic solution, all indices that correspond to days are taken modulo num_days. For simplicity, this notation is suppressed in the mathematical programming formulation that is described earlier. The following statements declare parameters to be used for that purpose in the subsequent constraint declarations:
num max_length = max {length in LENGTHS} length; num mod {s in -max_length..num_days+max_length} = mod(s+num_days,num_days);
The following model declaration statements correspond directly to the mathematical programming formulation that is described earlier:
var NumCars >= 0; var NumUndamagedCarsStart {DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0; var NumDamagedCarsStart {DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0; var NumCarsRented_i_day {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS} >= 0 <= demand[i,day]; impvar NumCarsRented {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS, day in DAYS, length in LENGTHS} = transition_prob[i,j] * length_prob[length] * NumCarsRented_i_day[i,day]; var NumUndamagedCarsIdle {DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0; var NumDamagedCarsIdle {DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0; var NumUndamagedCarsTransferred {i in DEPOTS, DEPOTS diff {i}, DAYS} >= 0; var NumDamagedCarsTransferred {i in DEPOTS, DEPOTS diff {i}, DAYS} >= 0; impvar NumCarsTransferred {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS diff {i}, day in DAYS} = NumUndamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day] + NumDamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day]; var NumDamagedCarsRepaired {i in DEPOTS, DAYS} >= 0 <= repair_capacity[i]; max Profit = sum {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS, day in DAYS, length in LENGTHS} (rental_price[i,j,day,length] - cost[length]) * NumCarsRented[i,j,day,length] + sum {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS} &damage_prob * &damage_charge * NumCarsRented_i_day[i,day] - sum {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS diff {i}, day in DAYS} transfer_cost[i,j] * NumCarsTransferred[i,j,day] - &opportunity_cost_per_week * NumCars; con Undamaged_Inflow_con {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}: NumUndamagedCarsStart[i,day] = (1 - &damage_prob) * sum {j in DEPOTS, length in LENGTHS} NumCarsRented[j,i,mod[day-length],length] + sum {j in DEPOTS diff {i}} NumUndamagedCarsTransferred[j,i,mod[day-&transfer_length]] + NumDamagedCarsRepaired[i,mod[day-&repair_length]] + NumUndamagedCarsIdle[i,mod[day-1]]; con Damaged_Inflow_con {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}: NumDamagedCarsStart[i,day] = &damage_prob * sum {j in DEPOTS, length in LENGTHS} NumCarsRented[j,i,mod[day-length],length] + sum {j in DEPOTS diff {i}} NumDamagedCarsTransferred[j,i,mod[day-&transfer_length]] + NumDamagedCarsIdle[i,mod[day-1]]; con Undamaged_Outflow_con {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}: NumUndamagedCarsStart[i,day] = NumCarsRented_i_day[i,day] + sum {j in DEPOTS diff {i}} NumUndamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day] + NumUndamagedCarsIdle[i,day]; con Damaged_Outflow_con {i in DEPOTS, day in DAYS}: NumDamagedCarsStart[i,day] = NumDamagedCarsRepaired[i,day] + sum {j in DEPOTS diff {i}} NumDamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day] + NumDamagedCarsIdle[i,day]; con NumCars_con: NumCars = sum {i in DEPOTS} ( length_prob[3] * NumCarsRented_i_day[i,0] + sum {length in 2..3} length_prob[length] * NumCarsRented_i_day[i,1] + NumUndamagedCarsStart[i,2] + NumDamagedCarsStart[i,2]);
The NumCars_con constraint expresses the fact that every car is rented on Monday for three days, rented on Tuesday for two or three days, or at some depot at the beginning of Wednesday.
The following statements call the LP solver and use the generic problem symbols _NVAR_ and _VAR_ to round all variables to integer values, as in Williams (2013):
solve; for {j in 1.._NVAR_} _VAR_[j] = round(_VAR_[j].sol);
The following statements print the solution and use the .dual
variable suffix to print the shadow prices for repair capacity:
print NumCars; print NumUndamagedCarsStart; print NumDamagedCarsStart; print NumCarsRented_i_day; print {i in DEPOTS, j in DEPOTS diff {i}, day in DAYS: NumDamagedCarsTransferred[i,j,day].sol > 0} NumDamagedCarsTransferred; print NumDamagedCarsRepaired.dual; quit;
Figure 25.1 shows the output from the linear programming solver.
Figure 25.1: Output from Linear Programming Solver
Problem Summary | |
Objective Sense | Maximization |
Objective Function | Profit |
Objective Type | Linear |
Number of Variables | 289 |
Bounded Above | 0 |
Bounded Below | 241 |
Bounded Below and Above | 36 |
Free | 0 |
Fixed | 12 |
Number of Constraints | 97 |
Linear LE (<=) | 0 |
Linear EQ (=) | 97 |
Linear GE (>=) | 0 |
Linear Range | 0 |
Constraint Coefficients | 1145 |
[1] | [2] | [3] | NumDamagedCarsTransferred |
Glasgow | Birmingham | 0 | 3 |
Glasgow | Birmingham | 1 | 6 |
Glasgow | Birmingham | 2 | 2 |
Glasgow | Birmingham | 3 | 8 |
Glasgow | Birmingham | 4 | 10 |
Glasgow | Birmingham | 5 | 2 |
Glasgow | Manchester | 0 | 2 |
Glasgow | Manchester | 1 | 2 |
Glasgow | Manchester | 2 | 1 |
Glasgow | Manchester | 3 | 1 |
Glasgow | Manchester | 4 | 2 |
Glasgow | Manchester | 5 | 6 |
Plymouth | Birmingham | 0 | 3 |
Plymouth | Birmingham | 1 | 5 |
Plymouth | Birmingham | 2 | 4 |
Plymouth | Birmingham | 5 | 17 |
The optimal solution, objective value, and shadow prices differ from Williams (2013), because of errors that will be corrected in a subsequent printing by Wiley.