Yield Management: What Quantities of Airline Tickets to Sell at What Prices and What Times

PROC OPTMODEL Statements and Output

The first several PROC OPTMODEL statements declare index sets and parameters and then read the input data:

proc optmodel;
   set PERIODS = 1..&num_periods;

   set <str> CLASSES;
   num num_seats {CLASSES};
   read data class_data into CLASSES=[class] num_seats;

   set OPTIONS = 1..&num_options;

   read data price_data into [period class]
      {option in OPTIONS} <price[period,class,option]=col('price'||option)>;

   num prob {SCENARIOS};
   read data scenario_data into SCENARIOS=[_N_] prob;

   read data demand_data into [period scenario class]
      {option in OPTIONS}

   num actual_demand {PERIODS, CLASSES, OPTIONS};
   read data actual_demand_data into [period class]
      {option in OPTIONS}

   num actual_price {PERIODS, CLASSES};
   num actual_sales {PERIODS, CLASSES};
   num actual_revenue {PERIODS, CLASSES};

   num current_period;

The following VAR statements declare the decision variables:

   var P1 {CLASSES, OPTIONS} binary;
   var P3 {SCENARIOS2, CLASSES, OPTIONS} binary;



   var TransferFrom {SCENARIOS3, CLASSES} >= 0;
   var TransferTo {SCENARIOS3, CLASSES} >= 0;

   var NumPlanes >= 0 <= &num_planes integer;

The following CON statement declares the constraints that enforce seat capacities:

   con NumPlanes_con {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, class in CLASSES}:
      sum {option in OPTIONS}
         (S1[i,class,option] + S2[i,j,class,option] + S3[i,j,k,class,option])
    + TransferFrom[i,j,k,class] - TransferTo[i,j,k,class]
   <= num_seats[class] * NumPlanes;

The following statements declare the constraints that restrict adjustment between classes:

   for {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, class in CLASSES} do;
      TransferFrom[i,j,k,class].ub = &transfer_fraction_ub * num_seats[class];
      TransferTo[i,j,k,class].ub   = &transfer_fraction_ub * num_seats[class];
   con Balance_con {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3}:
      sum {class in CLASSES} TransferFrom[i,j,k,class]
    = sum {class in CLASSES} TransferTo[i,j,k,class];

The following CON statements declare the constraints that enforce one price level per class:

   con P1_con {class in CLASSES}:
      sum {option in OPTIONS} P1[class,option] = 1;
   con P2_con {i in SCENARIOS, class in CLASSES}:
      sum {option in OPTIONS} P2[i,class,option] = 1;
   con P3_con {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, class in CLASSES}:
      sum {option in OPTIONS} P3[i,j,class,option] = 1;

The following CON statements declare the constraints that sales cannot exceed demand:

   con S1_con {i in SCENARIOS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      S1[i,class,option] <= demand[1,i,class,option] * P1[class,option];
   con S2_con {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      S2[i,j,class,option] <= demand[2,j,class,option] * P2[i,class,option];
   con S3_con {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      S3[i,j,k,class,option] <= demand[3,k,class,option] *

The following CON statements encode one possible linearization of the quadratic objective:

   /* R1[i,class,option] =
      price[1,class,option] * P1[class,option] * S1[i,class,option] */
   con R1_con_a {i in SCENARIOS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      R1[i,class,option] <= price[1,class,option] * S1[i,class,option];
   con R1_con_b {i in SCENARIOS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      price[1,class,option] * S1[i,class,option] - R1[i,class,option]
   <= price[1,class,option] * demand[1,i,class,option] *
         (1 - P1[class,option]);

   /* R2[i,j,class,option] =
      price[2,class,option] * P2[i,class,option] * S2[i,j,class,option] */
   con R2_con_a {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      R2[i,j,class,option] <= price[2,class,option] * S2[i,j,class,option];
   con R2_con_b {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      price[2,class,option] * S2[i,j,class,option] - R2[i,j,class,option]
   <= price[2,class,option] * demand[2,j,class,option] *
         (1 - P2[i,class,option]);

   /* R3[i,j,k,class,option] =
      price[3,class,option] * P3[i,j,class,option] * S3[i,j,k,class,option] */
   con R3_con_a {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      R3[i,j,k,class,option] <= price[3,class,option] * S3[i,j,k,class,option];
   con R3_con_b {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      price[3,class,option] * S3[i,j,k,class,option] - R3[i,j,k,class,option]
   <= price[3,class,option] * demand[3,k,class,option] *
         (1 - P3[i,j,class,option]);

An alternative “compact linearization” (not shown) involves fewer constraints, as in Chapter 10.

The following MAX statement declares the linearized objective, which depends on current_period:

   max ExpectedYield =
      (if current_period <= 1
       then sum {i in SCENARIOS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
               prob[i] * R1[i,class,option])
    + (if current_period <= 2
       then sum {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
               prob[i] * prob[j] * R2[i,j,class,option])
    + (if current_period <= 3
       then sum {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
               prob[i] * prob[j] * prob[k] * R3[i,j,k,class,option])
    + sum {period in 1..current_period-1, class in CLASSES}
    - &plane_cost * NumPlanes;

The following NUM statements use the .sol variable suffix to compute the recommended prices from the optimal values of the decision variables:

   num price_sol_1 {class in CLASSES} =
      sum {option in OPTIONS} price[1,class,option] * P1[class,option].sol;
   num price_sol_2 {class in CLASSES, i in SCENARIOS} =
      sum {option in OPTIONS} price[2,class,option] * P2[i,class,option].sol;
   num price_sol_3 {class in CLASSES, <i,j> in SCENARIOS2} =
      sum {option in OPTIONS} price[3,class,option] * P3[i,j,class,option].sol;

The following NUM statements use the .sol variable suffix to compute the recommended numbers of seats to sell:

   num remaining_seats {class in CLASSES} =
      num_seats[class] * NumPlanes.sol
    - sum {period in 1..current_period-1} actual_sales[period,class];
   num sell_up_to_1 {class in CLASSES} =
         max {i in SCENARIOS, option in OPTIONS} S1[i,class,option].sol,
   num sell_up_to_2 {class in CLASSES} =
         max {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, option in OPTIONS} S2[i,j,class,option].sol,
   num sell_up_to_3 {class in CLASSES} =
         max {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, option in OPTIONS}
         S3[i,j,k,class,option].sol, remaining_seats[class]);

The following statements call the mixed integer linear programming solver to determine the optimal prices for period 1:

   current_period = 1;
   for {i in SCENARIOS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
      S1[i,class,option] = round(S1[i,class,option].sol);
   print price_sol_1;
   print sell_up_to_1;
   print {i in SCENARIOS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS:
      S1[i,class,option].sol > 0} S1;
   print price_sol_2;
   print price_sol_3;
   print NumPlanes ExpectedYield;

The following statements fix the resulting prices for period 1 and use the MIN function to limit sales based on actual demand:

   for {class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS} do;
      if P1[class,option].sol > 0.5 then do;
         fix P1[class,option] = 1;
         actual_price[1,class] = price_sol_1[class];
         actual_sales[1,class] =
            min(sell_up_to_1[class], actual_demand[1,class,option]);
         for {i in SCENARIOS} fix S1[i,class,option] = actual_sales[1,class];
      else fix P1[class,option] = 0;
   for {class in CLASSES}
      actual_revenue[1,class] = actual_price[1,class] * actual_sales[1,class];
   print actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue;

Figure 24.1 shows the output from the mixed integer linear programming solver for period 1.

Figure 24.1: Output from Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver, Period 1

The OPTMODEL Procedure

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function ExpectedYield
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 982
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 702
Bounded Below and Above 280
Free 0
Fixed 0
Binary 117
Integer 1
Number of Constraints 1200
Linear LE (<=) 1134
Linear EQ (=) 66
Linear GE (>=) 0
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 3708

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 4

Solution Summary
Solver MILP
Algorithm Branch and Cut
Objective Function ExpectedYield
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 169543.624
Relative Gap 0
Absolute Gap 0
Primal Infeasibility 1.421085E-14
Bound Infeasibility 2.697009E-12
Integer Infeasibility 1.110223E-16
Best Bound 169543.624
Nodes 15
Iterations 4115
Presolve Time 0.04
Solution Time 0.25

[1] price_sol_1
Business 900
Economy 500
First 1200

[1] sell_up_to_1
Business 45
Economy 55
First 45

[1] [2] [3] S1
1 Business 1 20
1 Economy 1 45
1 First 1 10
2 Business 1 40
2 Economy 1 50
2 First 1 20
3 Business 1 45
3 Economy 1 55
3 First 1 45

  1 2 3
Business 1100 1100 1100
Economy 700 700 700
First 1150 1150 1300

[1] [2] [3] price_sol_3
Business 1 1 800
Business 1 2 800
Business 1 3 800
Business 2 1 800
Business 2 2 800
Business 2 3 800
Business 3 1 800
Business 3 2 800
Business 3 3 800
Economy 1 1 480
Economy 1 2 480
Economy 1 3 450
Economy 2 1 480
Economy 2 2 480
Economy 2 3 450
Economy 3 1 480
Economy 3 2 480
Economy 3 3 450
First 1 1 1500
First 1 2 1500
First 1 3 1500
First 2 1 1500
First 2 2 1500
First 2 3 1500
First 3 1 1500
First 3 2 1500
First 3 3 1500

NumPlanes ExpectedYield
3 169544

[1] [2] actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue
1 Business 900 45 40500
1 Economy 500 50 25000
1 First 1200 25 30000

The following statements drop the period 1 constraints and call the mixed integer linear programming solver to determine the optimal prices for period 2:

   drop P1_con S1_con R1_con_a R1_con_b;
   current_period = 2;
   for {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
      S2[i,j,class,option] = round(S2[i,j,class,option].sol);
   print price_sol_2;
   print sell_up_to_2;
   print {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS:
      i = 1 and S2[1,j,class,option].sol > 0} S2;
   print price_sol_3;
   print NumPlanes ExpectedYield;

The following statements fix the resulting prices for period 2 and use the MIN function to limit sales based on actual demand:

   for {i in SCENARIOS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS} do;
      if P2[i,class,option].sol > 0.5 then do;
         fix P2[i,class,option] = 1;
         actual_price[2,class] = price_sol_2[class,i];
         actual_sales[2,class] =
            min(sell_up_to_2[class], actual_demand[2,class,option]);
         for {j in SCENARIOS} fix S2[i,j,class,option] = actual_sales[2,class];
      else fix P2[i,class,option] = 0;
   for {class in CLASSES}
      actual_revenue[2,class] = actual_price[2,class] * actual_sales[2,class];
   print actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue;

Figure 24.2 shows the output from the mixed integer linear programming solver for period 2.

Figure 24.2: Output from Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver, Period 2

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function ExpectedYield
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 982
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 693
Bounded Below and Above 271
Free 0
Fixed 18
Binary 117
Integer 1
Number of Constraints 1116
Linear LE (<=) 1053
Linear EQ (=) 63
Linear GE (>=) 0
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 3510

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 4

Solution Summary
Solver MILP
Algorithm Branch and Cut
Objective Function ExpectedYield
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 172968.66
Relative Gap 0
Absolute Gap 0
Primal Infeasibility 3.637979E-12
Bound Infeasibility 0
Integer Infeasibility 0
Best Bound 172968.66
Nodes 1
Iterations 1591
Presolve Time 0.02
Solution Time 0.10

  1 2 3
Business 1100 1100 1100
Economy 700 700 700
First 1150 1150 1150

[1] sell_up_to_2
Business 50
Economy 60
First 60

[1] [2] [3] [4] S2
1 1 Business 1 42
1 1 Economy 1 50
1 1 First 3 35
1 2 Business 1 50
1 2 Economy 1 60
1 2 First 3 50
1 3 Business 1 20
1 3 Economy 1 10
1 3 First 3 60

[1] [2] [3] price_sol_3
Business 1 1 800
Business 1 2 800
Business 1 3 800
Business 2 1 800
Business 2 2 800
Business 2 3 800
Business 3 1 800
Business 3 2 800
Business 3 3 800
Economy 1 1 480
Economy 1 2 480
Economy 1 3 450
Economy 2 1 480
Economy 2 2 480
Economy 2 3 450
Economy 3 1 480
Economy 3 2 480
Economy 3 3 450
First 1 1 1500
First 1 2 1500
First 1 3 1500
First 2 1 1500
First 2 2 1500
First 2 3 1500
First 3 1 1500
First 3 2 1500
First 3 3 1500

NumPlanes ExpectedYield
3 172969

[1] [2] actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue
1 Business 900 45 40500
1 Economy 500 50 25000
1 First 1200 25 30000
2 Business 1100 45 49500
2 Economy 700 50 35000
2 First 1150 50 57500

The following statements drop the period 2 constraints and call the mixed integer linear programming solver to determine the optimal prices for period 3:

   current_period = 3;
   drop P2_con S2_con R2_con_a R2_con_b;

   for {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
      S3[i,j,k,class,option] = round(S3[i,j,k,class,option].sol);
   print price_sol_3;
   print sell_up_to_3;
   print {<i,j,k> in SCENARIOS3, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS:
      <i,j> in {<1,1>} and S3[i,j,k,class,option].sol > 0} S3;
   print NumPlanes ExpectedYield;

The following statements fix the resulting prices for period 3 and use the MIN function to limit sales based on actual demand:

   for {<i,j> in SCENARIOS2, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS} do;
      if P3[i,j,class,option].sol > 0.5 then do;
         fix P3[i,j,class,option] = 1;
         actual_price[3,class] = price_sol_3[class,i,j];
         actual_sales[3,class] =
            min(sell_up_to_3[class], actual_demand[3,class,option]);
         for {k in SCENARIOS} fix S3[i,j,k,class,option]
            = actual_sales[3,class];
      else fix P3[i,j,class,option] = 0;

   for {class in CLASSES}
      actual_revenue[3,class] = actual_price[3,class] * actual_sales[3,class];
   print actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue;

Figure 24.3 shows the output from the mixed integer linear programming solver for period 3.

Figure 24.3: Output from Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver, Period 3

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function ExpectedYield
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 982
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 666
Bounded Below and Above 244
Free 0
Fixed 72
Binary 117
Integer 1
Number of Constraints 864
Linear LE (<=) 810
Linear EQ (=) 54
Linear GE (>=) 0
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 2916

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 4

Solution Summary
Solver MILP
Algorithm Branch and Cut
Objective Function ExpectedYield
Solution Status Optimal within Relative Gap
Objective Value 176392.4
Relative Gap 0.0000754586
Absolute Gap 13.311333333
Primal Infeasibility 7.275958E-12
Bound Infeasibility 7.136479E-12
Integer Infeasibility 2.265549E-16
Best Bound 176405.71133
Nodes 632
Iterations 5861
Presolve Time 0.01
Solution Time 0.26

[1] [2] [3] price_sol_3
Business 1 1 800
Business 1 2 800
Business 1 3 800
Business 2 1 800
Business 2 2 800
Business 2 3 800
Business 3 1 800
Business 3 2 800
Business 3 3 800
Economy 1 1 480
Economy 1 2 480
Economy 1 3 480
Economy 2 1 480
Economy 2 2 480
Economy 2 3 480
Economy 3 1 480
Economy 3 2 480
Economy 3 3 480
First 1 1 1500
First 1 2 1500
First 1 3 1500
First 2 1 1500
First 2 2 1500
First 2 3 1500
First 3 1 1500
First 3 2 1500
First 3 3 1500

[1] sell_up_to_3
Business 24
Economy 41
First 36

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] S3
1 1 1 Business 2 28
1 1 1 Economy 1 41
1 1 1 First 1 30
1 1 2 Business 2 28
1 1 2 Economy 1 41
1 1 2 First 1 30
1 1 3 Business 2 25
1 1 3 Economy 1 36
1 1 3 First 1 40

NumPlanes ExpectedYield
3 176392

[1] [2] actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue
1 Business 900 45 40500
1 Economy 500 50 25000
1 First 1200 25 30000
2 Business 1100 45 49500
2 Economy 700 50 35000
2 First 1150 50 57500
3 Business 800 24 19200
3 Economy 480 41 19680
3 First 1500 36 54000

The following statements print the expected yield that results from the optimal prices, with sales limited by actual demands:

   current_period = 4;
   print ExpectedYield;

Figure 24.4 shows the final expected yield.

Figure 24.4: Final Expected Yield


Maximizing yield based on expected demands is much simpler than the stochastic programming approach and requires only one solver call. The first several PROC OPTMODEL statements are the same as before:

proc optmodel;
   set PERIODS = 1..&num_periods;

   set <str> CLASSES;
   num num_seats {CLASSES};
   read data class_data into CLASSES=[class] num_seats;

   set OPTIONS = 1..&num_options;

   read data price_data into [period class]
      {option in OPTIONS} <price[period,class,option]=col('price'||option)>;

   num prob {SCENARIOS};
   read data scenario_data into SCENARIOS=[_N_] prob;

   read data demand_data into [period scenario class]
      {option in OPTIONS}

   num actual_demand {PERIODS, CLASSES, OPTIONS};
   read data actual_demand_data into [period class]
      {option in OPTIONS}

   num actual_price {PERIODS, CLASSES};
   num actual_sales {PERIODS, CLASSES};
   num actual_revenue {PERIODS, CLASSES};

The following NUM statement declares the expected_demand parameter as a weighted sum of demand:

   num expected_demand {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
      = sum {scenario in SCENARIOS}
         prob[scenario] * demand[period,scenario,class,option];

Note that the variables, constraints, and parameters are unified and simplified into fewer families than before:

   var P {PERIODS, CLASSES, OPTIONS} binary;

   var TransferFrom {CLASSES} >= 0;
   var TransferTo {CLASSES} >= 0;

   var NumPlanes >= 0 <= &num_planes integer;

   con NumPlanes_con {class in CLASSES}:
      sum {period in PERIODS, option in OPTIONS} S[period,class,option]
    + TransferFrom[class] - TransferTo[class]
   <= num_seats[class] * NumPlanes;

   for {class in CLASSES} do;
      TransferFrom[class].ub = &transfer_fraction_ub * num_seats[class];
      TransferTo[class].ub   = &transfer_fraction_ub * num_seats[class];
   con Balance_con:
      sum {class in CLASSES} TransferFrom[class]
    = sum {class in CLASSES} TransferTo[class];

   con P_con {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES}:
      sum {option in OPTIONS} P[period,class,option] = 1;

   con S_con {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
   <= expected_demand[period,class,option] * P[period,class,option];

   /* R[period,class,option] =
      price[period,class,option] * P[period,class,option] *
         S[period,class,option] */
   con R_con_a {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      R[period,class,option] <= price[period,class,option] *
   con R_con_b {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      price[period,class,option] * S[period,class,option] -
   <= price[period,class,option] * expected_demand[period,class,option]
      * (1 - P[period,class,option]);

   max Yield =
      sum {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
    - &plane_cost * NumPlanes;

   num price_sol {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES} =
      sum {option in OPTIONS} price[period,class,option] *

   for {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
      S[period,class,option] = round(S[period,class,option].sol);
   print price_sol;
   print {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS:
      S[period,class,option].sol > 0} S;
   print NumPlanes Yield;
   for {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS} do;
      if P[period,class,option].sol > 0.5 then do;
         actual_price[period,class] = price_sol[period,class];
         actual_sales[period,class] =
            min(S[period,class,option], actual_demand[period,class,option]);
         actual_revenue[period,class] =
            actual_price[period,class] * actual_sales[period,class];
         R[period,class,option] = actual_revenue[period,class];
   print actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue;
   print Yield;

Figure 24.5 shows the output from the mixed integer linear programming solver for the problem based on expected demands.

Figure 24.5: Output from Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver, Based on Expected Demands

The OPTMODEL Procedure

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function Yield
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 88
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 54
Bounded Below and Above 34
Free 0
Fixed 0
Binary 27
Integer 1
Number of Constraints 94
Linear LE (<=) 84
Linear EQ (=) 10
Linear GE (>=) 0
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 258

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 4

Solution Summary
Solver MILP
Algorithm Branch and Cut
Objective Function Yield
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 180309
Relative Gap 0
Absolute Gap 0
Primal Infeasibility 1.421085E-14
Bound Infeasibility 6.846607E-12
Integer Infeasibility 1.269065E-16
Best Bound 180309
Nodes 8
Iterations 337
Presolve Time 0.00
Solution Time 0.01

  Business Economy First
1 900 500 1200
2 1100 700 1150
3 800 480 1500

[1] [2] [3] S
1 Business 1 39
1 Economy 1 51
1 First 1 24
2 Business 1 43
2 Economy 1 49
2 First 3 55
3 Business 2 35
3 Economy 1 37
3 First 1 34

NumPlanes Yield
3 180309

[1] [2] actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue
1 Business 900 39 35100
1 Economy 500 50 25000
1 First 1200 24 28800
2 Business 1100 43 47300
2 Economy 700 49 34300
2 First 1150 50 57500
3 Business 800 35 28000
3 Economy 480 37 17760
3 First 1500 34 51000


As anticipated, the yield is smaller than in Figure 24.4 because there is no opportunity here to change prices based on actual demand from previous periods.

The following statements show the modifications to maximize yield based on actual demands:

   drop S_con R_con_b;

   con S_con_actual {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
   <= actual_demand[period,class,option] * P[period,class,option];

   con R_con_b_actual {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}:
      price[period,class,option] * S[period,class,option] -
   <= price[period,class,option] * actual_demand[period,class,option]
      * (1 - P[period,class,option]);

   for {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS}
      S[period,class,option] = round(S[period,class,option].sol);
   print price_sol;
   print {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS:
      S[period,class,option].sol > 0} S;
   print NumPlanes Yield;

Since actual demand is considered directly in this formulation, the postprocessing steps do not need to reduce sales to actual demand:

   for {period in PERIODS, class in CLASSES, option in OPTIONS} do;
      if P[period,class,option].sol > 0.5 then do;
         actual_price[period,class] = price_sol[period,class];
         actual_sales[period,class] = S[period,class,option];
         actual_revenue[period,class] =
            actual_price[period,class] * actual_sales[period,class];
         R[period,class,option] = actual_revenue[period,class];
   print actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue;

Figure 24.6 shows the output from the mixed integer linear programming solver for the problem based on actual demands.

Figure 24.6: Output from Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver, Based on Actual Demands

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function Yield
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 88
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 54
Bounded Below and Above 34
Free 0
Fixed 0
Binary 27
Integer 1
Number of Constraints 94
Linear LE (<=) 84
Linear EQ (=) 10
Linear GE (>=) 0
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 258

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 4

Solution Summary
Solver MILP
Algorithm Branch and Cut
Objective Function Yield
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 193964
Relative Gap 0
Absolute Gap 0
Primal Infeasibility 0
Bound Infeasibility 0
Integer Infeasibility 0
Best Bound 193964
Nodes 3
Iterations 291
Presolve Time 0.00
Solution Time 0.01

  Business Economy First
1 900 500 1200
2 1100 700 1300
3 820 480 1500

[1] [2] [3] S
1 Business 1 50
1 Economy 1 50
1 First 1 25
2 Business 1 45
2 Economy 1 50
2 First 2 45
3 Business 1 20
3 Economy 1 36
3 First 1 45

NumPlanes Yield
3 193964

[1] [2] actual_price actual_sales actual_revenue
1 Business 900 50 45000
1 Economy 500 50 25000
1 First 1200 25 30000
2 Business 1100 45 49500
2 Economy 700 50 35000
2 First 1300 45 58500
3 Business 820 20 16400
3 Economy 480 36 17280
3 First 1500 45 67500

As anticipated, the yield is highest here because optimal prices and sales are determined with perfect knowledge of demand.

The stochastic programming formulation shown earlier represents a natural compromise between the deterministic formulations based on expected demand or actual demand.