Food Manufacture 1: When to Buy and How to Blend

PROC OPTMODEL Statements and Output

The first READ DATA statement populates the OILS index set and reads the one-dimensional hardness data:

proc optmodel;
   set <str> OILS;
   num hardness {OILS};
   read data hardness_data into OILS=[oil] hardness;
   print hardness;

The PRINT statement results in the first section of output, shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: hardness Parameter

The OPTMODEL Procedure

[1] hardness
oil1 2.0
oil2 4.2
oil3 5.0
veg1 8.8
veg2 6.1

The second READ DATA statement populates the PERIODS index set and uses the already-populated OILS index set to loop across data set variables when reading the two-dimensional cost data. The PERIODS index set is numeric and is populated by using the automatic variable _N_ from the cost_data data set, rather than by using the month names.

   set PERIODS;
   num cost {OILS, PERIODS};
   read data cost_data into PERIODS=[_N_] {oil in OILS}
   print cost;

The PRINT statement results in the second section of output, shown in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2: cost Parameter

  1 2 3 4 5 6
oil1 130 110 130 120 150 140
oil2 110 90 100 120 110 80
oil3 115 115 95 125 105 135
veg1 110 130 110 120 100 90
veg2 120 130 140 110 120 100

You can declare implicit variables with the IMPVAR statement, instead of defining explicit variables by using the VAR statement with an additional constraint. When you use the IMPVAR statement, PROC OPTMODEL performs an algebraic substitution, thereby reducing the number of variables and constraints passed to the solver.

   var Buy {OILS, PERIODS} >= 0;
   var Use {OILS, PERIODS} >= 0;
   impvar Manufacture {period in PERIODS} = sum {oil in OILS} Use[oil,period];

The initial and terminal storage constraints for each raw oil are imposed by using the FIX statement to fix the values of the corresponding Store[oil,period] variables. An alternate approach is to use the CON statement to explicitly declare an equality constraint that contains exactly one variable.

   num last_period = max {period in PERIODS} period;
   var Store {OILS, PERIODS union {0}} >= 0 <= &store_ub;
   for {oil in OILS} do;
      fix Store[oil,0]           = &init_storage;
      fix Store[oil,last_period] = &init_storage;

The following SET statement uses the SAS function SUBSTR together with the colon operator (:) to select the subset of oils whose name starts with ‘veg’:

   set VEG = {oil in OILS: substr(oil,1,3) = 'veg'};

The following SET statement uses the DIFF operator to declare the non-vegetable oils to be the oils that do not appear in the set VEG:

   set NONVEG = OILS diff VEG;

The following statements declare implicit variables, the objective, and constraints:

   impvar Revenue =
      sum {period in PERIODS} &revenue_per_ton * Manufacture[period];
   impvar RawCost =
      sum {oil in OILS, period in PERIODS} cost[oil,period] * Buy[oil,period];
   impvar StorageCost =
      sum {oil in OILS, period in PERIODS}
         &storage_cost_per_ton * Store[oil,period];
   max Profit = Revenue - RawCost - StorageCost;

   con Veg_ub_con {period in PERIODS}:
      sum {oil in VEG} Use[oil,period] <= &veg_ub;

   con Nonveg_ub_con {period in PERIODS}:
      sum {oil in NONVEG} Use[oil,period] <= &nonveg_ub;

   con Flow_balance_con {oil in OILS, period in PERIODS}:
      Store[oil,period-1] + Buy[oil,period]
         = Use[oil,period] + Store[oil,period];

As expressed on , the hardness of the final product is a ratio of linear functions of the decision variables. To increase algorithmic performance and reliability, the following two CON statements take advantage of the constant limits on hardness to linearize the nonlinear range constraint by clearing the denominator:

   con Hardness_ub_con {period in PERIODS}:
      sum {oil in OILS} hardness[oil] * Use[oil,period]
      >= &hardness_lb * Manufacture[period];

   con Hardness_lb_con {period in PERIODS}:
      sum {oil in OILS} hardness[oil] * Use[oil,period]
      <= &hardness_ub * Manufacture[period];

The following EXPAND statement displays the resulting model with all data populated, as shown in Figure 1.3:


This optional statement is useful for debugging purposes, to make sure that the model that PROC OPTMODEL creates is what you intended.

Figure 1.3: Output from EXPAND Statement

                             The OPTMODEL Procedure                             
Var Buy[veg1,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg1,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg1,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg1,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg1,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg1,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg2,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg2,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg2,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg2,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg2,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[veg2,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil1,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil1,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil1,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil1,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil1,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil1,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil2,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil2,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil2,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil2,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil2,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil2,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil3,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil3,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil3,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil3,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil3,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Buy[oil3,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg1,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg1,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg1,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg1,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg1,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg1,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg2,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg2,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg2,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg2,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg2,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[veg2,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil1,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil1,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil1,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil1,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil1,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil1,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil2,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil2,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil2,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil2,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil2,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil2,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil3,1] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil3,2] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil3,3] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil3,4] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil3,5] >= 0                                                            
Var Use[oil3,6] >= 0                                                            
Var Store[veg1,1] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[veg1,2] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[veg1,3] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[veg1,4] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[veg1,5] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Fix Store[veg1,6] = 500                                                         
Fix Store[veg1,0] = 500                                                         
Var Store[veg2,1] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[veg2,2] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[veg2,3] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[veg2,4] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[veg2,5] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Fix Store[veg2,6] = 500                                                         
Fix Store[veg2,0] = 500                                                         
Var Store[oil1,1] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil1,2] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil1,3] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil1,4] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil1,5] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Fix Store[oil1,6] = 500                                                         
Fix Store[oil1,0] = 500                                                         
Var Store[oil2,1] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil2,2] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil2,3] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil2,4] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil2,5] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Fix Store[oil2,6] = 500                                                         
Fix Store[oil2,0] = 500                                                         
Var Store[oil3,1] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil3,2] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil3,3] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil3,4] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Var Store[oil3,5] >= 0 <= 1000                                                  
Fix Store[oil3,6] = 500                                                         
Fix Store[oil3,0] = 500                                                         
Impvar Manufacture[1] = Use[veg1,1] + Use[veg2,1] + Use[oil1,1] + Use[oil2,1] + 
Impvar Manufacture[2] = Use[veg1,2] + Use[veg2,2] + Use[oil1,2] + Use[oil2,2] + 
Impvar Manufacture[3] = Use[veg1,3] + Use[veg2,3] + Use[oil1,3] + Use[oil2,3] + 
Impvar Manufacture[4] = Use[veg1,4] + Use[veg2,4] + Use[oil1,4] + Use[oil2,4] + 
Impvar Manufacture[5] = Use[veg1,5] + Use[veg2,5] + Use[oil1,5] + Use[oil2,5] + 
Impvar Manufacture[6] = Use[veg1,6] + Use[veg2,6] + Use[oil1,6] + Use[oil2,6] + 
Impvar Revenue = 150*Manufacture[1] + 150*Manufacture[2] + 150*Manufacture[3] + 
150*Manufacture[4] + 150*Manufacture[5] + 150*Manufacture[6]                    
Impvar RawCost = 110*Buy[veg1,1] + 130*Buy[veg1,2] + 110*Buy[veg1,3] + 120*     
Buy[veg1,4] + 100*Buy[veg1,5] + 90*Buy[veg1,6] + 120*Buy[veg2,1] + 130*         
Buy[veg2,2] + 140*Buy[veg2,3] + 110*Buy[veg2,4] + 120*Buy[veg2,5] + 100*        
Buy[veg2,6] + 130*Buy[oil1,1] + 110*Buy[oil1,2] + 130*Buy[oil1,3] + 120*        
Buy[oil1,4] + 150*Buy[oil1,5] + 140*Buy[oil1,6] + 110*Buy[oil2,1] + 90*         
Buy[oil2,2] + 100*Buy[oil2,3] + 120*Buy[oil2,4] + 110*Buy[oil2,5] + 80*         
Buy[oil2,6] + 115*Buy[oil3,1] + 115*Buy[oil3,2] + 95*Buy[oil3,3] + 125*         
Buy[oil3,4] + 105*Buy[oil3,5] + 135*Buy[oil3,6]                                 
Impvar StorageCost = 5*Store[veg1,1] + 5*Store[veg1,2] + 5*Store[veg1,3] + 5*   
Store[veg1,4] + 5*Store[veg1,5] + 5*Store[veg1,6] + 5*Store[veg2,1] + 5*        
Store[veg2,2] + 5*Store[veg2,3] + 5*Store[veg2,4] + 5*Store[veg2,5] + 5*        
Store[veg2,6] + 5*Store[oil1,1] + 5*Store[oil1,2] + 5*Store[oil1,3] + 5*        
Store[oil1,4] + 5*Store[oil1,5] + 5*Store[oil1,6] + 5*Store[oil2,1] + 5*        
Store[oil2,2] + 5*Store[oil2,3] + 5*Store[oil2,4] + 5*Store[oil2,5] + 5*        
Store[oil2,6] + 5*Store[oil3,1] + 5*Store[oil3,2] + 5*Store[oil3,3] + 5*        
Store[oil3,4] + 5*Store[oil3,5] + 5*Store[oil3,6]                               
Maximize Profit=Revenue - RawCost - StorageCost                                 
Constraint Veg_ub_con[1]: Use[veg1,1] + Use[veg2,1] <= 200                      
Constraint Veg_ub_con[2]: Use[veg1,2] + Use[veg2,2] <= 200                      
Constraint Veg_ub_con[3]: Use[veg1,3] + Use[veg2,3] <= 200                      
Constraint Veg_ub_con[4]: Use[veg1,4] + Use[veg2,4] <= 200                      
Constraint Veg_ub_con[5]: Use[veg1,5] + Use[veg2,5] <= 200                      
Constraint Veg_ub_con[6]: Use[veg1,6] + Use[veg2,6] <= 200                      
Constraint Nonveg_ub_con[1]: Use[oil1,1] + Use[oil2,1] + Use[oil3,1] <= 250     
Constraint Nonveg_ub_con[2]: Use[oil1,2] + Use[oil2,2] + Use[oil3,2] <= 250     
Constraint Nonveg_ub_con[3]: Use[oil1,3] + Use[oil2,3] + Use[oil3,3] <= 250     
Constraint Nonveg_ub_con[4]: Use[oil1,4] + Use[oil2,4] + Use[oil3,4] <= 250     
Constraint Nonveg_ub_con[5]: Use[oil1,5] + Use[oil2,5] + Use[oil3,5] <= 250     
Constraint Nonveg_ub_con[6]: Use[oil1,6] + Use[oil2,6] + Use[oil3,6] <= 250     
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg1,1]: Store[veg1,0] + Buy[veg1,1] - Use[veg1,1] -
Store[veg1,1] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg1,2]: Store[veg1,1] + Buy[veg1,2] - Use[veg1,2] -
Store[veg1,2] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg1,3]: Store[veg1,2] + Buy[veg1,3] - Use[veg1,3] -
Store[veg1,3] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg1,4]: Store[veg1,3] + Buy[veg1,4] - Use[veg1,4] -
Store[veg1,4] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg1,5]: Store[veg1,4] + Buy[veg1,5] - Use[veg1,5] -
Store[veg1,5] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg1,6]: Store[veg1,5] + Buy[veg1,6] - Use[veg1,6] -
Store[veg1,6] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg2,1]: Store[veg2,0] + Buy[veg2,1] - Use[veg2,1] -
Store[veg2,1] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg2,2]: Store[veg2,1] + Buy[veg2,2] - Use[veg2,2] -
Store[veg2,2] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg2,3]: Store[veg2,2] + Buy[veg2,3] - Use[veg2,3] -
Store[veg2,3] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg2,4]: Store[veg2,3] + Buy[veg2,4] - Use[veg2,4] -
Store[veg2,4] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg2,5]: Store[veg2,4] + Buy[veg2,5] - Use[veg2,5] -
Store[veg2,5] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[veg2,6]: Store[veg2,5] + Buy[veg2,6] - Use[veg2,6] -
Store[veg2,6] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil1,1]: Store[oil1,0] + Buy[oil1,1] - Use[oil1,1] -
Store[oil1,1] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil1,2]: Store[oil1,1] + Buy[oil1,2] - Use[oil1,2] -
Store[oil1,2] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil1,3]: Store[oil1,2] + Buy[oil1,3] - Use[oil1,3] -
Store[oil1,3] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil1,4]: Store[oil1,3] + Buy[oil1,4] - Use[oil1,4] -
Store[oil1,4] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil1,5]: Store[oil1,4] + Buy[oil1,5] - Use[oil1,5] -
Store[oil1,5] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil1,6]: Store[oil1,5] + Buy[oil1,6] - Use[oil1,6] -
Store[oil1,6] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil2,1]: Store[oil2,0] + Buy[oil2,1] - Use[oil2,1] -
Store[oil2,1] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil2,2]: Store[oil2,1] + Buy[oil2,2] - Use[oil2,2] -
Store[oil2,2] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil2,3]: Store[oil2,2] + Buy[oil2,3] - Use[oil2,3] -
Store[oil2,3] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil2,4]: Store[oil2,3] + Buy[oil2,4] - Use[oil2,4] -
Store[oil2,4] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil2,5]: Store[oil2,4] + Buy[oil2,5] - Use[oil2,5] -
Store[oil2,5] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil2,6]: Store[oil2,5] + Buy[oil2,6] - Use[oil2,6] -
Store[oil2,6] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil3,1]: Store[oil3,0] + Buy[oil3,1] - Use[oil3,1] -
Store[oil3,1] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil3,2]: Store[oil3,1] + Buy[oil3,2] - Use[oil3,2] -
Store[oil3,2] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil3,3]: Store[oil3,2] + Buy[oil3,3] - Use[oil3,3] -
Store[oil3,3] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil3,4]: Store[oil3,3] + Buy[oil3,4] - Use[oil3,4] -
Store[oil3,4] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil3,5]: Store[oil3,4] + Buy[oil3,5] - Use[oil3,5] -
Store[oil3,5] = 0                                                               
Constraint Flow_balance_con[oil3,6]: Store[oil3,5] + Buy[oil3,6] - Use[oil3,6] -
Store[oil3,6] = 0                                                               
Constraint Hardness_ub_con[1]: 8.8*Use[veg1,1] + 6.1*Use[veg2,1] + 2*Use[oil1,1]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,1] + 5*Use[oil3,1] - 3*Manufacture[1] >= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_ub_con[2]: 8.8*Use[veg1,2] + 6.1*Use[veg2,2] + 2*Use[oil1,2]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,2] + 5*Use[oil3,2] - 3*Manufacture[2] >= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_ub_con[3]: 8.8*Use[veg1,3] + 6.1*Use[veg2,3] + 2*Use[oil1,3]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,3] + 5*Use[oil3,3] - 3*Manufacture[3] >= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_ub_con[4]: 8.8*Use[veg1,4] + 6.1*Use[veg2,4] + 2*Use[oil1,4]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,4] + 5*Use[oil3,4] - 3*Manufacture[4] >= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_ub_con[5]: 8.8*Use[veg1,5] + 6.1*Use[veg2,5] + 2*Use[oil1,5]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,5] + 5*Use[oil3,5] - 3*Manufacture[5] >= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_ub_con[6]: 8.8*Use[veg1,6] + 6.1*Use[veg2,6] + 2*Use[oil1,6]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,6] + 5*Use[oil3,6] - 3*Manufacture[6] >= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_lb_con[1]: 8.8*Use[veg1,1] + 6.1*Use[veg2,1] + 2*Use[oil1,1]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,1] + 5*Use[oil3,1] - 6*Manufacture[1] <= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_lb_con[2]: 8.8*Use[veg1,2] + 6.1*Use[veg2,2] + 2*Use[oil1,2]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,2] + 5*Use[oil3,2] - 6*Manufacture[2] <= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_lb_con[3]: 8.8*Use[veg1,3] + 6.1*Use[veg2,3] + 2*Use[oil1,3]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,3] + 5*Use[oil3,3] - 6*Manufacture[3] <= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_lb_con[4]: 8.8*Use[veg1,4] + 6.1*Use[veg2,4] + 2*Use[oil1,4]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,4] + 5*Use[oil3,4] - 6*Manufacture[4] <= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_lb_con[5]: 8.8*Use[veg1,5] + 6.1*Use[veg2,5] + 2*Use[oil1,5]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,5] + 5*Use[oil3,5] - 6*Manufacture[5] <= 0                       
Constraint Hardness_lb_con[6]: 8.8*Use[veg1,6] + 6.1*Use[veg2,6] + 2*Use[oil1,6]
+ 4.2*Use[oil2,6] + 5*Use[oil3,6] - 6*Manufacture[6] <= 0                       

By using the .sol suffix, the numeric parameter hardness_sol computes hardness of the final product from the optimal decision variable values returned by the solver:

   num hardness_sol {period in PERIODS} =
      (sum {oil in OILS} hardness[oil] * Use[oil,period].sol)
         / Manufacture[period].sol;

You can declare hardness_sol even before the solver is called. Because the declaration includes an equals sign, the values are automatically updated each time the right-hand side changes. The following statements call the solver and print the solution:

   print Buy Use Store Manufacture hardness_sol;

Multiple CREATE DATA statements, with the variables of interest grouped according to their index sets, create multiple output data sets (not shown):

   create data sol_data1 from [oil period] Buy Use Store;
   create data sol_data2 from [period] Manufacture;

In this example, all variables are real, the objective function is linear, and all constraints are linear. So PROC OPTMODEL automatically recognizes that this model is a linear programming problem, and the first SOLVE statement calls the default linear programming algorithm, which is the dual simplex algorithm. To invoke a non-default algorithm (such as primal simplex, interior point, or network simplex), you can use the ALGORITHM= option in the SOLVE statement:

   solve with lp / algorithm=ps;
   print Buy Use Store Manufacture hardness_sol;
   solve with lp / algorithm=ip;
   print Buy Use Store Manufacture hardness_sol;
   solve with lp / algorithm=ns;
   print Buy Use Store Manufacture hardness_sol;

Each algorithm returns an optimal solution with a profit of £107,843, although the optimal solutions differ from each other, as shown in Figure 1.4 through Figure 1.7.

Figure 1.4 shows the output when you use the (default) dual simplex algorithm.

Figure 1.4: Output from Dual Simplex Algorithm

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function Profit
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 95
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 60
Bounded Below and Above 25
Free 0
Fixed 10
Number of Constraints 54
Linear LE (<=) 18
Linear EQ (=) 30
Linear GE (>=) 6
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 210

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 1

Solution Summary
Solver LP
Algorithm Dual Simplex
Objective Function Profit
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 107842.59259
Primal Infeasibility 1.136868E-13
Dual Infeasibility 0
Bound Infeasibility 2.842171E-14
Iterations 66
Presolve Time 0.00
Solution Time 0.00

[1] [2] Buy Use Store
oil1 0     500.000
oil1 1 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 2 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 3 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 4 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 5 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 6 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil2 0     500.000
oil2 1 0.00 250.000 250.000
oil2 2 500.00 250.000 500.000
oil2 3 0.00 250.000 250.000
oil2 4 0.00 0.000 250.000
oil2 5 0.00 250.000 0.000
oil2 6 750.00 250.000 500.000
oil3 0     500.000
oil3 1 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil3 2 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil3 3 250.00 0.000 750.000
oil3 4 0.00 250.000 500.000
oil3 5 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil3 6 0.00 0.000 500.000
veg1 0     500.000
veg1 1 0.00 159.259 340.741
veg1 2 0.00 159.259 181.481
veg1 3 0.00 22.222 159.259
veg1 4 0.00 0.000 159.259
veg1 5 -0.00 159.259 0.000
veg1 6 659.26 159.259 500.000
veg2 0     500.000
veg2 1 0.00 40.741 459.259
veg2 2 0.00 40.741 418.519
veg2 3 0.00 177.778 240.741
veg2 4 0.00 200.000 40.741
veg2 5 0.00 40.741 0.000
veg2 6 540.74 40.741 500.000

[1] Manufacture hardness_sol
1 450 6.0000
2 450 6.0000
3 450 5.1778
4 450 5.4889
5 450 6.0000
6 450 6.0000

Figure 1.5 shows the output when you use the ALGORITHM=PS option to invoke the primal simplex algorithm.

Figure 1.5: Output from Primal Simplex Algorithm

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function Profit
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 95
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 60
Bounded Below and Above 25
Free 0
Fixed 10
Number of Constraints 54
Linear LE (<=) 18
Linear EQ (=) 30
Linear GE (>=) 6
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 210

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 1

Solution Summary
Solver LP
Algorithm Primal Simplex
Objective Function Profit
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 107842.59259
Primal Infeasibility 5.684342E-14
Dual Infeasibility 0
Bound Infeasibility 0
Iterations 56
Presolve Time 0.00
Solution Time 0.00

[1] [2] Buy Use Store
oil1 0     500.000
oil1 1 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 2 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 3 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 4 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 5 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 6 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil2 0     500.000
oil2 1 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil2 2 250.00 250.000 500.000
oil2 3 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil2 4 0.00 250.000 250.000
oil2 5 0.00 250.000 0.000
oil2 6 750.00 250.000 500.000
oil3 0     500.000
oil3 1 0.00 250.000 250.000
oil3 2 0.00 0.000 250.000
oil3 3 0.00 250.000 0.000
oil3 4 0.00 0.000 0.000
oil3 5 500.00 0.000 500.000
oil3 6 0.00 0.000 500.000
veg1 0     500.000
veg1 1 0.00 0.000 500.000
veg1 2 0.00 96.296 403.704
veg1 3 0.00 85.185 318.519
veg1 4 0.00 159.259 159.259
veg1 5 0.00 159.259 0.000
veg1 6 659.26 159.259 500.000
veg2 0     500.000
veg2 1 0.00 200.000 300.000
veg2 2 0.00 103.704 196.296
veg2 3 0.00 114.815 81.481
veg2 4 0.00 40.741 40.741
veg2 5 0.00 40.741 0.000
veg2 6 540.74 40.741 500.000

[1] Manufacture hardness_sol
1 450 5.4889
2 450 5.6222
3 450 6.0000
4 450 6.0000
5 450 6.0000
6 450 6.0000

Figure 1.6 shows the output when you use the ALGORITHM=IP option to invoke the interior point algorithm.

Figure 1.6: Output from Interior Point Algorithm

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function Profit
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 95
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 60
Bounded Below and Above 25
Free 0
Fixed 10
Number of Constraints 54
Linear LE (<=) 18
Linear EQ (=) 30
Linear GE (>=) 6
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 210

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 4

Solution Summary
Solver LP
Algorithm Interior Point
Objective Function Profit
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 107842.59259
Primal Infeasibility 1.136868E-13
Dual Infeasibility 1.976197E-14
Bound Infeasibility 0
Duality Gap 0
Complementarity 0
Iterations 9
Iterations2 17
Presolve Time 0.60
Solution Time 0.60

[1] [2] Buy Use Store
oil1 0     500.00
oil1 1 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil1 2 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil1 3 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil1 4 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil1 5 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil1 6 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil2 0     500.00
oil2 1 0.00 250.000 250.00
oil2 2 750.00 250.000 750.00
oil2 3 0.00 250.000 500.00
oil2 4 0.00 250.000 250.00
oil2 5 0.00 250.000 0.00
oil2 6 750.00 250.000 500.00
oil3 0     500.00
oil3 1 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil3 2 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil3 3 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil3 4 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil3 5 0.00 0.000 500.00
oil3 6 0.00 0.000 500.00
veg1 0     500.00
veg1 1 0.00 159.259 340.74
veg1 2 0.00 22.222 318.52
veg1 3 0.00 159.259 159.26
veg1 4 0.00 159.259 0.00
veg1 5 0.00 0.000 0.00
veg1 6 659.26 159.259 500.00
veg2 0     500.00
veg2 1 0.00 40.741 459.26
veg2 2 0.00 177.778 281.48
veg2 3 0.00 40.741 240.74
veg2 4 0.00 40.741 200.00
veg2 5 0.00 200.000 0.00
veg2 6 540.74 40.741 500.00

[1] Manufacture hardness_sol
1 450 6.0000
2 450 5.1778
3 450 6.0000
4 450 6.0000
5 450 5.0444
6 450 6.0000

Figure 1.7 shows the output when you use the ALGORITHM=NS option to invoke the network simplex algorithm.

Figure 1.7: Output from Network Simplex Algorithm

Problem Summary
Objective Sense Maximization
Objective Function Profit
Objective Type Linear
Number of Variables 95
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 60
Bounded Below and Above 25
Free 0
Fixed 10
Number of Constraints 54
Linear LE (<=) 18
Linear EQ (=) 30
Linear GE (>=) 6
Linear Range 0
Constraint Coefficients 210

Performance Information
Execution Mode Single-Machine
Number of Threads 1

Solution Summary
Solver LP
Algorithm Network Simplex
Objective Function Profit
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 107842.59259
Primal Infeasibility 1.136868E-13
Dual Infeasibility 2.842171E-14
Bound Infeasibility 5.20249E-14
Iterations 38
Iterations2 41
Presolve Time 0.00
Solution Time 0.00

[1] [2] Buy Use Store
oil1 0     500.000
oil1 1 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 2 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 3 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 4 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 5 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil1 6 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil2 0     500.000
oil2 1 0.00 0.000 500.000
oil2 2 250.00 0.000 750.000
oil2 3 0.00 250.000 500.000
oil2 4 0.00 250.000 250.000
oil2 5 0.00 250.000 0.000
oil2 6 750.00 250.000 500.000
oil3 0     500.000
oil3 1 0.00 250.000 250.000
oil3 2 0.00 250.000 0.000
oil3 3 0.00 0.000 -0.000
oil3 4 0.00 -0.000 0.000
oil3 5 500.00 0.000 500.000
oil3 6 0.00 0.000 500.000
veg1 0     500.000
veg1 1 0.00 85.185 414.815
veg1 2 0.00 85.185 329.630
veg1 3 0.00 159.259 170.370
veg1 4 0.00 11.111 159.259
veg1 5 0.00 159.259 0.000
veg1 6 659.26 159.259 500.000
veg2 0     500.000
veg2 1 0.00 114.815 385.185
veg2 2 0.00 114.815 270.370
veg2 3 0.00 40.741 229.630
veg2 4 0.00 188.889 40.741
veg2 5 0.00 40.741 0.000
veg2 6 540.74 40.741 500.000

[1] Manufacture hardness_sol
1 450 6.0000
2 450 6.0000
3 450 6.0000
4 450 5.1111
5 450 6.0000
6 450 6.0000