Using the ISecurityAdmin Server Interface

Calling the Server Interface

The ISecurityAdmin interface is called by connecting to the SAS Metadata Server and obtaining a handle to the ISecurityAdmin server interface.
A SAS Java Metadata Interface client accesses the ISecurityAdmin interface by importing the appropriate packages, instantiating an object factory, and connecting to the SAS Metadata Server with a handle to the interface that is appropriate for the task that it wants to perform.
The ISecurityAdmin interface is provided in the sas.oma.omi.jar file in the SAS Platform VJR. A Java client accesses the ISecurityAdmin interface by importing the appropriate packages. Import,, and into your client.
The SAS Java Metadata Interface provides the MdFactory interface to instantiate an object factory for the SAS Metadata Server and the MdOMRConnection interface for connecting to the SAS Metadata Server. Use the MdOMRConnection interface's makeISecurityAdminConnection method to connect to the server with the ISecurityAdmin interface.

Identifying Resources to ISecurityAdmin Methods

ISecurityAdmin general authorization administration and ACT administration methods can be issued on a transaction context, or directly on a resource.
When you specify a transaction context, do not include a target resource identifier in the method call, unless you are issuing the EndTransactionContext method. The changes that are requested by ISecurityAdmin methods that are invoked with a transaction context are persisted to the metadata server (or discarded) with the EndTransactionContext method. An EndTransactionContext method call that persists changes to the SAS Metadata Server specifies a transaction context handle, the resource on which to apply the changes indicated in the handle, and sets the SECAD_COMMIT_TC flag.
Changes that are requested by an ISecurityAdmin method that specifies a resource identifier are persisted on the SAS Metadata Server immediately. A resource is identified with a URN. For more information about URNs, see Identifying Resources to ISecurity Methods.