A SAS Open Metadata Interface client that accesses application
metadata has the following characteristics:
The client connects to the SAS
Metadata Server with a communication standard that is appropriate
for the client and the IOM-based server.
The client specifies the SAS namespace
to access the metadata types for application elements, such as servers,
tables and columns.
The client issues SAS Open Metadata
Interface method calls to create or access instances of the metadata
types that are stored in metadata repositories.
Accessing Metadata Defined in the SAS Namespace
For a description of
the metadata types in the SAS namespace, see “Alphabetical
Listing of SAS Namespace Types” in the
SAS Metadata
Model: Reference.
The SAS Open Metadata
Interface provides the IOMI server interface for reading and writing
metadata objects.
For more information about IOMI, see Metadata Access (IOMI Interface).
We recommend that clients use the SAS Java Metadata Interface
to read and write metadata instead of using IOMI methods directly.
For reference information about the SAS Java Metadata Interface, see
the documentation at support.sas.com/93api.
usage information, see Using the SAS Java Metadata Interface.
SAS 9.3 supports a SAS
type dictionary that affects the SAS Metadata Model metadata types
that clients should select to represent common and shared application
entities. Objects need to store specific attribute values to ensure
that the dictionary is used in metadata queries.
more information about the SAS type dictionary, see Using Interfaces that Read and Write Metadata in SAS 9.3.