Example of an UpdateMetadata Request That Modifies an Association

The following is an example of an UpdateMetadata request that adds a single association (one that has a 0:1 or 1:1 cardinality in the metadata type documentation). PhysicalTable object A53TPPVI.A4000001 is updated to add a PrimaryPropertyGroup association to a PropertyGroup object. A PhysicalTable object has a 0:1 cardinality to a PropertyGroup object in a PrimaryPropertyGroup association.
      <PhysicalTable Id="A53TPPVI.A4000001">
         <PrimaryPropertyGroup Function="Modify">
            <PropertyGroup Id="" Name="Read Options"/>
   <!-- OMI_TRUSTED_CLIENT Flag -->
In the request, note the following:
  • The Id attribute is used in the main element and specifies a real value.
  • The association name element (PrimaryPropertyGroup) specifies the Function attribute with the MODIFY directive, which is required to modify single associations.
  • Use of the Id attribute in the associated object definition with a null value instructs the SAS Metadata Server to create the PrimaryPropertyGroup association and the required PropertyGroup object if they do not exist, and to modify the properties of the PropertyGroup object if it does exist.
To replace an existing PrimaryPropertyGroup association with a new association, you need to specify Function="REPLACE".