The following <XMLSELECT
criteria"/> element
selects objects that have a Role attribute value of OWNER associated
with them through the ResponsibleParties association. The ResponsibleParties
association has a Persons association to a Person object that has
a Name attribute value of John Doe.
<XMLSELECT search="*[ResponsibleParties/*[@Role='OWNER']/Persons/Person
[@Name='John Doe']]"/>
The following <XMLSELECT
criteria"/> element
selects objects owned by any type of object with a Name attribute
value of John Doe:
<XMLSELECT search="*[ResponsibleParties/*[@Role='OWNER']/Persons/*[@Name='John
This request is identical
to the preceding request, except that an asterisk is substituted for
the Person object to specify any object in the second path level.
The Persons association supports associations to Person and IdentityGroup
objects. Specifying an asterisk in this position causes the SAS Metadata
Server to evaluate IdentityGroup objects and Person objects in its