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Metadata Access (IOMI Interface)


Determines whether one metadata type is a subtype of another metadata type.

Category: Management methods




Parameter Type Direction Description
rc N out Return code for the method. For more information, see Return Code.
type C in Name of the metadata type that might be a subtype of SUPERTYPE.
supertype C in Name of the metadata type that might be a supertype of TYPE.
result N out Returned indicator. 0 indicates that TYPE is not a subtype of SUPERTYPE. 1 indicates that it is a subtype.
ns C in Namespace to use as the context for the request.
flags L in Passed indicator for flags. No flags are currently defined.
options B in Passed indicator for options.
<DOAS Credential="credHandle"/>

Enables a client to make a metadata request for another user. For more information, see <DOAS> Option.

Example 1: Standard Interface

The following is an example of how to issue the IsSubtypeOf method regardless of the programming environment. The request determines whether WorkTable is a subtype of DataTable.


rc = IsSubtypeOf(WorkTable, DataTable, result, ns, flags, options);

Example 2: DoRequest Method

The following is an example of an XML string that shows how to format the request in example 1 for the INMETADATA parameter of the DoRequest method.

<!-- XML string for inMetadata= parameter of DoRequest method call -->


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