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Installation Requirements

Both the SAS Open Metadata Interface and SAS Java Metadata Interface are shipped as part of SAS 9.2 Phase 2 software. The SAS Open Metadata Interface uses the Integrated Object Model (IOM) to communicate with the SAS Metadata Server. Currently, this interface supports Java, Windows, and SAS clients.

The following software must be accessible from computers where you will develop SAS Open Metadata Interface clients:

See JRE and JAR Requirements for information about SAS Java Metadata Interface requirements.

Both the SAS Open Metadata Interface server interfaces and SAS Java Metadata Interface are contained in the SAS 9.2 VJR. The VJR is installed when the SAS 9.2 Intelligence Platform Object Framework or SAS Management Console is installed. For easy access to the SAS 9.2 VJR, we recommend the SAS AppDev Studio development environment.

SAS language interfaces to metadata such as PROC METADATA and SAS metadata DATA step functions simply need access to Base SAS 9.2 software.

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