ADO Connection Properties for the SAS Providers

Local Provider Properties

This table lists the properties that the local provider supports on the ADO Connection object.
Connection Properties for the Local Provider
"Data Source"
A directory that contains the Base SAS data set that you want to access with the connection. The directory specification can be a local drive, a mounted drive, or a network drive. If you want to specify a fully qualified file path when you open a record set, set this property to "_LOCAL_".
The access permissions for the "Data Source." Valid values are adModeRead or adModeReadWrite. The default is adModeReadWrite in conjunction with adModeShareDenyNone.
"SAS File Format"
The SAS file format to associate with the "Data Source" value.
If this property is not explicitly set, then the provider examines the value of the "Data Source" property to determine which file format to use. If the provider cannot determine the format, then it uses the "SAS Default File Format" property.
"V9" can be used for Version 7 and Version 8 SAS data sets. For Version 6 data sets, use "V6". The 64-bit version of the local provider only works with "V9."

Base SAS Provider Properties

This table lists the properties that the Base SAS provider supports on the ADO Connection object.
Connection Properties for the Base SAS Provider
"Data Source"
The server ID that is established by the value of the "SAS Parameters" property.
"SAS Executable"
The fully qualified path that includes the SAS executable file (sas.exe). The default value for this property is the standard installation path of the latest major SAS release. To start different server versions, set the path to the version that you want to start.
"SAS Parameters"
The command line options that are used to start the SAS executable. This command line must include code to start the local server—for example:
-initstmt %sasodbc(sdplserv) -icon -nologo -notutorialdlg
The access permissions for the "Data Source." Valid values are adModeRead or adModeReadWrite. The default is adModeReadWrite in conjunction with adModeShareDenyNone.
"SAS Working Directory"
The fully qualified path to the default directory for the SAS session. This directory usually contains your SAS program files and documents.
The default value for this property is the standard installation path of the latest major SAS release.
"SAS Server Release"
The major release number of the Base SAS installation that you are using. Valid values are 7, 8, and 9 (the default).

SAS/SHARE Provider Properties

This table lists the properties that the SAS/SHARE provider supports on the ADO Connection object.
Connection Properties for the SAS/SHARE Provider
"Data Source"
The server ID that is established by the server administrator when the SAS/SHARE server is started.
The access permissions for the "Data Source." Valid values are adModeRead or adModeReadWrite. The default is adModeReadWrite in conjunction with adModeShareDenyNone.
The node that the server is running on.
Only if the node is not the one that is running the ADO application. For example, "Location" is required for remote-server access.
"User ID"
The user ID that the user provides to access a server that requires authentication.
Might be required by the server.
The password that the user provides to access a server that requires authentication.
Yes, if the "User ID" is required.
"SAS Server Access Password"
The server-access password if one was established by the server administrator when the SAS/SHARE server was started.
Might be required by the server.
"SAS Server Release"
The major release number of the server that you are using. Valid values are 7, 8, and 9 (the default).

IOM Provider Properties

This table lists the properties that the IOM provider supports on the ADO Connection object.
Connection Properties for the IOM Provider
"Data Source"
Use the "_LOCAL_" keyword to indicate a new, locally instantiated SAS Workspace Server. To specify a remote server, set this property to any string that you want to associate with the connection.
"User ID"
The ID that the user provides to access a server that requires authentication.
Might be required by the server.
The password that the user provides to access a server that requires authentication.
Yes, if the "User ID" is required.
"SAS Workspace ID"
In the IOM model, a workspace represents a single SAS session. For each workspace, the SAS Workspace Manager generates a unique ID that can be used to explicitly identify the workspace.
"SAS Port"
The TCP/IP port number of a remote SAS Workspace Server.
For a remote connection, you must specify either this property or the "SAS Service Name" property.
"SAS Service Name"
A logical reference to the TCP/IP port number associated with a remote SAS Workspace Server.
For a remote connection, yes, unless "SAS Port" is specified.
"SAS Machine DNS Name"
The network DNS name of a remote SAS Workspace Server or the IP address of the server.
Yes, for remote connections.
"SAS Protocol"
The protocol to use when you connect to a remote SAS Workspace Server. Valid values are ProtocolBridge, ProtocolCom, or ProtocolCorba.
Yes, for remote connections.
"SAS Server Type"
The type of server. For a SAS Workspace Server, the correct value is DBPROPVAL_DST_TDP, which identifies a tabular data server.

OLAP Provider Properties

This table lists the properties that the OLAP provider supports on the ADO Connection object.
Connection Properties for the OLAP Provider
"Data Source"
The name of the SAS OLAP server to which you are connecting. Typically, the value is the IP address of the remote SAS OLAP server. (Local SAS OLAP Server connections are uncommon.)
"User ID"
The ID that the user provides to access a server that requires authentication.
Might be required by the server.
The password that the user provides to access a server that requires authentication.
Yes, if the "User ID" is required.
"SAS Port"
The TCP/IP port number of a remote SAS OLAP Server.
Must specify either this property or the "SAS Service Name" property.
"SAS Service Name"
A logical reference to the TCP/IP port number that is associated with a remote SAS OLAP Server.
Yes, unless "SAS Port" is specified.
"SAS Protocol"
The protocol to use when you connect to a remote SAS OLAP Server. Valid values are ProtocolBridge, ProtocolCom, or ProtocolCorba.
Yes, for remote connections.