IOM Provider Recipes

The following table lists recipes that apply to the IOM provider.
Recipes and Descriptions
Connecting to Local Data
Open an ADO Connection object to access locally stored data.
Connecting to a Remote SAS Workspace Server
Connect to a remote SAS Workspace Server using a method that enables you to use ADO objects exclusively.
Connecting to a Remote SAS Workspace Server Using SAS Objects
Connect to a remote SAS Workspace Server by using the SAS Integration Technologies Object Factory.
Prompting Users for Connection Information by Displaying the Data Link Properties Dialog Box
Prompt users for connection information at run time by displaying the Data Link Properties dialog box.
Using a Microsoft Data Link (.udl) File to Provide Persistent Connection Information
Reference connection information that is stored in a Microsoft Data Link (.udl) file.
Controlling Data Access Permissions with a Connection
Set permissions on your data source.
Reusing an Existing IOM Workspace
Reuse an existing IOM Workspace.
Identifying a Data Set and Returning Results
Open a specific data set and return either static or dynamic results. Your options depend on which SAS provider you are using.
Specifying a Libref to Use with the IOM Provider
Specify (assign) a libref.
Opening a Password-Protected Data Set
Open a password-protected data set.
Accessing Third-Party Data through SAS/ACCESS Engines
Access third-party data stores that are available through your licensed SAS/ACCESS engines.
Displaying Metadata That Is Specific to SAS Data Sets
Display metadata that is specific to SAS data sets.
Creating and Deleting Data Sets
Create and delete data sets.
Subsetting Data Sets for Read-Only Sequential Access
Execute SQL queries and commands in order to subset data sets for read-only, sequential access.
Using SAS Formats When You Read Data
Use SAS formats when reading data.
Reading User-Defined SAS Formats and Informats
Read user-defined SAS formats and informats.
Using SAS Informats When You Write Data
Use SAS informats when writing data.
Padding Character Data with Blanks
Preserve trailing blanks.
Reading Missing Values from a Data Set
Test for missing values.
Writing Missing Values to a Data Set
Write missing values to a data set.
Updating Recordsets
Perform recordset updates, including batch updates.
Implementing a Locking Strategy
Lock records, especially during update access.