Standard OLE DB Interfaces

Command Object

The Command object implementation does not support command processing. The implementation accommodates a limitation in ADO support for custom rowset properties. All of the command interface methods, except for those methods on ICommandProperties, return E_FAIL. Here are the Command object interfaces:
  • IColumnsInfo
  • ICommand
  • ICommandPrepare
  • ICommandProperties
  • ICommandText
  • IConvertType
  • ISupportErrorInfo

Data Source Object

These interfaces are supported on the Data Source object:
  • IDBCreateSession
  • IDBInitialize
  • IDBProperties
  • IPersist
  • ISupportErrorInfo

Rowset Object

These interfaces are supported on the Rowset object with the following restrictions:
  • For the SAS/SHARE, IOM, and Base SAS providers, the IRowsetLocate, IRowset Change, and IRowsetUpdate interfaces are not supported on Rowset objects that are returned by Command objects. They are supported only on Rowset objects that are returned by IOpenRowset::OpenRowset.
  • For the SAS/SHARE and Base SAS providers, this same restriction is true for IRowsetIdentity.
  • IAccessor
  • IColumnsInfo
  • IConvertType
  • IRowset
  • IRowsetChange
  • IRowsetIdentity
  • IRowsetInfo
  • IRowsetLocate
  • IRowsetUpdate
  • ISupportErrorInfo

Session Object

These interfaces are supported on the Session object:
  • IDBCreateCommand
    Note: IDBCreateCommand is present only to accommodate a limitation in ADO support for custom rowset properties. IDBCreateCommand methods return E_FAIL. 
  • IDBSchemaRowset
  • IGetDataSource
  • IOpenRowset
  • ISessionProperties
  • ISupportErrorInfo
  • ITableDefinition