
The goal of an OLAP system is to have data that is organized, available, and presented as relevant information to decision makers. To successfully build and query SAS OLAP cubes, the data in your input files must be internally consistent. In addition, the columns of input data sets need to reflect the dimensional levels of the cubes. When building an OLAP application, it is beneficial to assume that building the actual cube is the smaller part of the project. The larger task includes finding and collecting the data and making that data consistent.
When planning for a SAS OLAP cube, you should consider the following items:
  • the data tables that you use to build the cube
  • aggregation design
  • aggregation storage considerations (MOLAP or ROLAP)
  • size specifications for SAS OLAP cubes and cube objects
  • naming guidelines and rules for SAS OLAP cubes and cube objects
  • SAS formats that are available for cube measures
  • statistics that are available for cube measures