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Cube Building and Modifying Examples

Building a Cube from a Summary Table

In this example, you build a cube with fully summarized data. A summary table is a data source that contains a crossing of all dimensions for a cube. In this example, furniture company sales data for the PRDNWYPR table is used. The table contains columns for location, sales, date, and product values. It also contains stored measures for actual and predicted sales figures.

Enter General Cube Information

After you have established a connection profile, you can begin to create a cube. Select File [arrow] New [arrow] Cube. On the Cube Designer - General page, enter the basic cube information. For this example input type, you select Fully Summarized Table. The following display shows fields that you enter information for.

[untitled graphic]

Note:   When the Fully summarized table input type is selected, the option Cube will use aggregated data from other tables is automatically selected.  [cautionend]

Select an Input Table

On the Cube Designer - Input page, select an input table for your cube. If one does not exist for your data, select Define Table, and then define the source that you will import your metadata from. The following display shows the summarized table PRDNWPR that is selected for the example cube.

[untitled graphic]

Drill-Through Table

In the Cube Designer - Drill-Through dialog box, you can select or define an optional drill-through table. Drill-through tables can be used by client applications to provide a view from processed data into the underlying data source.

If a drill-through table does not exist for your data, select Define Table, and then define the source that you will import your metadata from.

Table Options

The Table Options button is available in both the Cube Designer - Input and the Cube Designer - Drill-Through dialog boxes. It opens the Table Options dialog box. It enables you to specify data set options that are used to open the data set. For example, you could enter a WHERE clause or subsetting information that is then applied to the selected table when it is opened. The options are stored as part of the cube and then reapplied when the data is accessed at run time. You can also specify data set options in the Dimension Designer - General dialog box (for use with star schemas) and the Stored Aggregates dialog box (for use with summarized tables). For more information, see "Data Set Options" in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.

Define Dimensions, Levels and Hierarchies

Now that your basic metadata server and cube information has been entered, you can define the different dimensions and their respective levels and hierarchies. For this example, the following dimensions are created:

On the Cube Designer - Dimensions page, select Add.

[untitled graphic]

This opens the Dimension Designer - General page, as seen in the following display.

[untitled graphic]

Enter information in the following fields:

Select Next. This opens the Dimension Designer - Level page. Next, select Add to open the Add Levels dialog box, as seen in the following display.

[untitled graphic]

Select the levels you want to add to the dimension. Select OK to return to the Dimension Designer - Level page, where the selected levels are listed. You can now define properties such as format, time type, and sort order for the levels that you have selected. See the following display.

[untitled graphic]

Next, define hierarchies for the levels on the Dimension Designer - Hierarchy page. You can select Add to open the Define a Hierarchy page and individually select the levels for the hierarchy.

[untitled graphic]

Or you can select Finish to accept the order of the levels that are defined on the previous Dimension Designer - Level page. If you select this option, the hierarchy is assigned the same name as the dimension. See the following display.

[untitled graphic]

Repeat this process for each dimension. For this example, the following dimensions are created:

After you create each dimension it is listed in the Dimensions panel of the Cube Designer - Dimensions page. See the following display:

[untitled graphic]

Define Measures

For this example, stored measures and derived measures are created. Stored measures are base measures that are loaded from the fully summarized table. When you are creating a cube from a fully summarized table, the table must have a cooresponding single column for each stored measure that you want to include in the cube. The base statistics are SUM, N, MIN, MAX, NMISS, and USS.

Derived measures are measures that are built from the stored measures that you have selected for the cube. Derived measures are assigned to an analysis group when they are created. An analysis group is used to identify the numeric column in the original unsummarized data source that was used as the analysis variable for the stored measure. It can also be a name that identifies a logical association between several stored measures.

Note:   For further information on measure statistics, see Statistics Available For Measures.  [cautionend]

Stored Measures

You can now select the stored (base) measures for the cube in the Cube Designer - Select Stored Measures page. From the list of available measures, select the stored measures that you want to include in the cube. For this example actn, actsum, predn, and predsum are included.

[untitled graphic]

On the Cube Designer - Assign Stored Measures page, you can specify the Statistic and Analysis Group options for the stored measures. For the Statistic, select the appropriate statistic from the drop-down menu. For the Analysis Group, enter a name that identifies a logical association between the stored measures. The Analysis Group name can identify the numeric column in the original unsummarized data source that was used as the analysis variable for the stored measure. If the table contained two measures from the same analysis column, both of the base measures should have the same analysis group specified.

[untitled graphic]

Derived Measures

On the Cube Designer - Select Derived Measures page, specify the measures that are derived from the stored measures. Each derived measure is based on a set of required stored measures. If the stored measures for an analysis group do not include all those required for a specific derived measure, then that measure cannot be included in the cube. On the Define a derived measure panel, select the Analysis group, Derived statistic, and Measure name for the derived measure that you are creating.

[untitled graphic]

When you are finished, select Apply. The derived measure is listed in the Derived Measures list.

[untitled graphic]

For this example, two derived measures are created: ActualDerived and Predicted Derived.

[untitled graphic]

Edit Measure Details

On the Cube Designer - Edit Measure Details page, you can select a default measure and modify measure details for the stored and derived measures.

[untitled graphic]

Define Member Properties

You can now define the member properties for any needed cube members. A member property is an attribute of a dimension member. A member property is also an optional cube feature that is created in a dimension to provide users with additional information about members. Define member properties in the Cube Designer - Member Property dialog box.

Define Aggregation Tables

On the Cube Designer - Aggregation Tables page, you associate aggregation tables with the summarized data source that you specified as the input data source for the cube. When you open the Cube Designer - Aggregation Tables page, the input data table that you selected to build your cube with is listed in the Selected tables list. You can then select a table to use as the aggregation table from the Available tables list and move it to the Selected tables list. For this example, the table PGEOTIME is used as the aggregation table.

Note:   If the cube is loaded from a fully summarized data source, then the measure names within the selected aggregation tables must match the measure names in the input data source. If the cube is loaded from a detail table or a star schema, then all of the selected aggregation tables must use the same measure names. For all cubes, the levels must be the same as those in the input data source.   [cautionend]

[untitled graphic]

Define Stored Aggregations

You can now define stored aggregations for the cube. Stored aggregations are aggregations that are stored in the aggregation tables. On the Cube Designer - Stored Aggregations page, select Add to create a stored aggregation.

[untitled graphic]

In the Specify an aggregation dialog box, enter the aggregation name, aggregation table, and any necessary table options for the aggregation. Then select the levels that are used in the aggregation. For this example, the stored aggregations named Aggregation1 and Aggregation2 are created.

[untitled graphic]

[untitled graphic]

The aggregations are listed on the Cube Designer - Stored Aggregations page.

[untitled graphic]

Define Aggregations

If needed, you can now define aggregations that are stored with the cube. Define the aggregations for the cube from the Cube Designer - Aggregations page.

Build the Cube

After you have finished entering information for the summarized cube, you can build the cube. On the Finish page, you can review the details of the cube that you just defined. You also choose whether to only save the cube's definition to the active metadata or to save the cube's definition and build the cube. Select the option Save the metadata and create the cube. You can also choose to export the PROC OLAP code to a text file. When you are done, select Finish. The cube is processed and the Cube Designer wizard will close.

[untitled graphic]

PROC OLAP CODE for the Summary Table Example

LIBNAME olapsio BASE  "\\olap\tmp\libolap" ;

   CUBE                   = "/Shared Data/OLAPSchemas/SumCube"
   PATH                   = 'C:\v9cubes'
   DESCRIPTION            = 'Fully Summarized Cube'
   MAXTHREADS             = 5000

      HOST        = ""
      PORT        = 8561
      OLAP_SCHEMA = "SASApp - OLAP Schema";

   DIMENSION Geography
      CAPTION          = 'Geography'
      HIERARCHIES      = (
         ) /* HIERARCHIES */;

      HIERARCHY Geography 
         ALL_MEMBER = 'All Geography'
         CAPTION    = 'Geography'
         LEVELS     = (
            ) /* LEVELS */

         FORMAT         =  $CHAR10.
         CAPTION        =  'Country'
         SORT_ORDER     =  ASCENDING;

         FORMAT         =  $CHAR10.
         CAPTION        =  'Division'
         SORT_ORDER     =  ASCENDING;

   DIMENSION Products
      CAPTION          = 'Products'
      HIERARCHIES      = (
         ) /* HIERARCHIES */;

      HIERARCHY Products 
         ALL_MEMBER = 'All Products'
         CAPTION    = 'Products'
         LEVELS     = (
            ) /* LEVELS */

         FORMAT         =  $CHAR10.
         CAPTION        =  'Product'
         SORT_ORDER     =  ASCENDING;

         FORMAT         =  $CHAR10.
         CAPTION        =  'Product type'
         SORT_ORDER     =  ASCENDING;

      CAPTION          = 'Dates'
      TYPE             = TIME
      HIERARCHIES      = (
         ) /* HIERARCHIES */;

      HIERARCHY Dates 
         ALL_MEMBER = 'All Dates'
         CAPTION    = 'Dates'
         LEVELS     = (
            ) /* LEVELS */

         FORMAT         =  4.
         TYPE           =  YEAR
         CAPTION        =  'Year'
         SORT_ORDER     =  ASCENDING;

         FORMAT         =  8.
         TYPE           =  QUARTERS
         CAPTION        =  'Quarter'
         SORT_ORDER     =  ASCENDING;

         FORMAT         =  MONNAME3.
         TYPE           =  MONTHS
         CAPTION        =  'Month'
         SORT_ORDER     =  ASCENDING;

   MEASURE predsumSUM
      STAT        = SUM
      ANALYSIS    = PredictGroup
      AGGR_COLUMN = predsum
      CAPTION     = 'Sum of predsum'
      FORMAT      = Best12.

   MEASURE prednN
      STAT        = N
      ANALYSIS    = PredictGroup
      AGGR_COLUMN = predn
      CAPTION     = 'Number of values for predn'
      FORMAT      = 12.;

   MEASURE actsumSUM
      STAT        = SUM
      ANALYSIS    = ActualGroup
      AGGR_COLUMN = actsum
      CAPTION     = 'Sum of actsum'
      FORMAT      = Best12.;

   MEASURE actnN
      STAT        = N
      ANALYSIS    = ActualGroup
      AGGR_COLUMN = actn
      CAPTION     = 'Number of values for actn'
      FORMAT      = 12.;

   MEASURE PredictedDerived
      STAT        = AVG
      ANALYSIS    = PredictGroup
      CAPTION     = 'Average PredictGroup'
      FORMAT      = Best12.;

   MEASURE ActualDerived
      STAT        = AVG
      ANALYSIS    = ActualGroup
      CAPTION     = 'Average ActualGroup'
      FORMAT      = Best12.;

   AGGREGATION /* Default */
      /* levels */
      / /* options */
      TABLE     = olapsio.PRDNWYPR
      NAME      = 'Default';

   AGGREGATION /* Aggregation1 */
      /* levels */
      / /* options */
      TABLE     = olapsio.PGEOTIME
      NAME      = 'Aggregation1';

   AGGREGATION /* Aggregation2 */
      /* levels */
      / /* options */
      TABLE     = olapsio.PRDNWYPR
      NAME      = 'Aggregation2';


PROC OLAP Statements and Options For a Summary Table

The following table lists the PROC OLAP statements and options that you use to load cubes from a fully summarized data source (a crossing of all dimensions also known as an NWAY). Unlike a detail table or star schema, a fully summarized cube does not use either the DATA= or FACT= option to specify the data that is used to build the cube. Instead the TABLE= option is used on the AGGREGATION statement.

Statements and Options Used to Load Cubes from Fully Summarized Data
Statements Options
Required or Optional?

PATH= Required

DESC= Optional

NO_NWAY Optional

WORKPATH= Optional

DT_TABLE Optional


HOST= Optional

PORT= Optional

PROTOCOL= Optional

USERID= Optional

PW= Optional

DESC= Optional

CAPTION= Optional

TYPE=TIME Required only for TIME dimensions

SORT_ORDER= Optional
The LEVEL statement is optional unless you want to specify time periods for each level in a TIME dimension. If you specify a time period for one level, then you must specify a time period for all levels. To specify a time period, you use the TYPE= option.

DESC= Optional

CAPTION= Optional



DESC= Optional

CAPTION= Optional

UNITS= Optional

FORMAT= Optional

DEFAULT= Optional
PROPERTY prop-name Required

LEVEL= Required
AGGREGATION Names of the contiguous levels to be used to create the aggregation Required (additional AGGREGATION statements without the TABLE= option can be used to create aggregations other than the automatically defined NWAY).

TABLE= Required

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