Apply the CSS file to your output. The CSSSTYLE= option on the ODS HTML, ODS RTF, and ODS PDF statements applies the CSS file StyleSheet.css to the output for each destination. Because the media-type Screen is specified with the CSSSTYLE= option in the ODS HTML statement, the HTML output has the style information in the Screen media type block applied to it in addition to the style information that is outside of any media blocks. Similarly, the RTF output uses the additional information from the Print media block. The PDF output uses all of the code in the CSS file, because both Print and Screen are specified.

options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40 obs=10;

ods html file="StyleSheet.html" cssstyle='stylesheet.css'(screen) text="Style Sheet Using Screen Media Type";

ods rtf file="StyleSheet.rtf" cssstyle='stylesheet.css'(print) text="Style Sheet Using Print Media Type";

ods pdf file="StyleSheet.pdf" cssstyle='stylesheet.css'(print screen) STARTPAGE=no text="Style Sheet Using Both Media Types";