Edit the existing table template Base.Summary. The ODS PATH statement specifies which item store to search first for the table template. The EDIT statement edits the table template Base.Summary. The modified table template Base.Summary is written to the WORK.TEMPLAT item store. Note:   This example uses filenames that might not be valid in all operating environments. To successfully run the example in your operating environment, you might need to change the file specifications. See ODS HTML Statements for Running Examples in Different Operating Environments.  [cautionend]

ods path work.templat (update) sashelp.tmplmst (read);
proc template;
    edit Base.Summary;
    edit nobs;
    style={color=magenta background=white}; 

ods html file="temp.html";

proc summary data=exprev print;
    class Sale_Type;

ods html close;