Specify which style element and style attributes to use for different values in the column. The CELLSTYLE AS statement specifies the style element and style attributes to use for different values in this column. If a value is less than or equal to the value of the variable LOW, the cell uses the unaltered Data style element. If a value is greater than LOW but less than or equal to the value of MEDIUM, the cell uses the style element Data with a foreground color of green and an italic font. Similarly, other values use a foreground color of yellow or red and combinations of a bold font weight and an italic font style. The CELLSTYLE AS statement affects only the HTML destination.

The END statement ends the column template.

      cellstyle _val_ <= low as data,
                _val_ <= medium as data
                         {color=green fontstyle=italic},
                _val_ <= high as data
                         {color=yellow fontweight=bold},
                    1 as data
                         {color=red fontstyle=italic 