Change the style attributes for the GraphColors style element. The STYLE statement adds to the child styles the style element GraphColors, which also exists in the parent style. All of the style elements that use the user-defined attributes that GraphColors define use the attributes that are specified in the Science style, not the attributes that are specified in the Styles.Default style. Because no FROM option is specified, the instance of GraphColors in the Science style completely replaces the instance from the Styles.Default style. No style element inheritance occurs.

style GraphColors /                                                   
         "gconramp3cend" = cxDD6060                                           
         "gconramp3cneutral" = cxFFFFFF                                       
         "gconramp3cstart" = cx6497EB                                         
         "gramp3cend" = cxBED8D3                                              
         "gramp3cneutral" = cxFFFFFF                                          
         "gramp3cstart" = cxAAB6DF                                            
         "gconramp2cend" = cx6497EB                                           
         "gconramp2cstart" = cxFFFFFF                                         
         "gramp2cend" = cx548287                                              
         "gramp2cstart" = cxFFFFFF                                            
         "gtext" = CX31035E                                                   
         "glabel" = CX31035E                                                  
         "gborderlines" = CX31035E                                            
         "goutlines" = CX31035E                                               
         "ggrid" = CX31035E                                                   
         "gaxis" = CX31035E                                                   
         "gshadow" = CX707671                                                 
         "glegend" = CXFFFFFF                                                 
         "gfloor" = CXDFECE1                                                  
         "gwalls" = CXFFFFFF                                                  
         "gcdata12" = cxFF667F                                                
         "gcdata11" = cx5050CC                                                
         "gcdata10" = cxE100BF                                                
         "gcdata9" = cx007F00                                                 
         "gcdata8" = cxB99600                                                 
         "gcdata7" = cx7F7F7F                                                 
         "gcdata6" = cx984EA3                                                 
         "gcdata5" = cx4DAF4A                                                 
         "gcdata4" = cxA65628                                                 
         "gcdata3" = cxFF7F00                                                 
         "gcdata2" = cx377DB8                                                 
         "gcdata1" = cxE31A1C                                                 
         "gdata12" = CX4A5573                                                 
         "gdata11" = CXCFB1E2                                                 
         "gdata10" = CX8E829D                                                 
         "gdata9" = CX2952B1                                                  
         "gdata8" = CXAAB6DF                                                  
         "gdata7" = CX6771C2                                                  
         "gdata6" = CXBED8D3                                                  
         "gdata5" = CX8B65A3                                                  
         "gdata4" = CXBCD3AB                                                  
         "gdata3" = CX548287                                                  
         "gdata2" = CX7DC1C9                                                  
         "gdata1" = CX9580D5;