Change the attributes of the style element Color_List. This STYLE statement adds to the child style the style element Color_List, which also exists in the parent style. The CLASS stament adds all of the style attributes that are in the original instance of the Color_List style element to the new instance of Color_List, except for those that are overriden by the new instance of Color_List. By using the CLASS statement, you do not need to specify the FROM option. Note:   If you did not use the CLASS statement or the FROM option, then the attributes from the original instance of Color_List would not be added to the new instance of Color_List. The Color_List style element in CustomDefault would conatain only the style statements that it specifically specifies.  [cautionend]

All style elements that use the user-defined attributes that Color_List defines (fgB2, fgB1, etc.) use the style attributes that are specified in Custom.Default, not the ones that are specified in Styles.Default. Therefore, if you change a color here, then you change every occurrence of the color in the HTML output. This CLASS statement changes the values of five of the user-defined style attributes.

   class color_list/
/* changed from cxD3D3D3*/     
      "bgA3" = #778899
/* changed from cx0033AA */      
      "fgA2" = #68228b
/* changed from cxB0B0B0 */
      "bgA2" = #fff8dc
/* changed from cx000000 */
      "fgA1" = #fff8dc
/* changed from cxE0E0E0 */
      "bgA" = #c6e2ff;