ODS-Specific Windows


There are three ODS windows that enable you to manipulate or browse your ODS output and templates.
  • Documents Window
  • Template Window
  • Template Browser Window

The Documents Window

The Documents window displays ODS documents in a hierarchical tree structure.
The Documents window does the following:
  • displays all ODS documents, including ODS documents stored in SAS libraries
  • organizes, manages, and customizes the layout of the entries contained in ODS documents
  • displays the property information of ODS documents
  • replays entries
  • renames, copies, moves, or deletes ODS documents
  • creates shortcuts to ODS documents
To open the Documents window, do one of the following:
  • Select Results in the Results window, and then select Viewthen selectDocuments from the taskbar.
  • Right-click Results in the Results window, and then select Documents.
  • Issue the following command on the command line in the SAS windowing environment:
This display shows a Documents window that contains an ODS document named Sasuser.Univ. In the display, notice that Sasuser.Univ contains several directory levels. The Exponential_x directory contains the Exp output object. When you double-click on an output object such as Exp, that output object is replayed in the Results window and sent to all open destinations.
Documents Window
Documents Window

The Templates Window

Templates contain descriptive information that helps ODS determine the layout of your output. The Templates window enables you to manage all of the templates that are currently available to SAS. Specifically, you can use the Templates window to perform the following tasks:
  • Browse ODS styles.
  • View template properties.
  • Browse template stores and item stores.
  • Browse PROC TEMPLATE source code.
To open the Templates window, do one of the following:
  • Select Results in the Results window, and then select Viewthen selectTemplates from the taskbar.
  • Right-click Results in the Results window, and then select Templates.
  • Issue the following command on the command line in the SAS windowing environment:
The hierarchal view on the left side of the Templates window lists the item stores, template stores, directories, and items. The contents of a selected store or directory are displayed on the right side of the window.
Templates Window Showing Item Stores, Template Stores, Directories, and Items
Templates Window Showing Item Stores, Template Stores, Directories, and Items
A template store is an item store that contains items that were created by the TEMPLATE procedure. Items that SAS provides are in the Sashelp.Tmplmst item store. By default, compiled templates are stored physically in the Sasuser.Templat item store. You can store items that you create in any template store where you have Write access. A template store can contain multiple levels (directories).

The Template Browser Window

The Template Browser window enables you to view the source code of a template. To open the Template Browser window, double-click on a template or style.
In the following display, the source code for the HTMLBlue style is shown in the Template Browser window.
Templates Window and Template Browser Window
Viewing the Templates Window and Template Browser Window