Customized PDF Output

To quickly change the look of your PDF output, specify the STYLE=, CONTENTS=, and PDFTOC= options in the ODS PDF statement. The STYLE= option with the Science style specified tells ODS to use the Science style for all PDF output. The CONTENTS= option with YES specified creates a table of contents for your PDF file. The PDFTOC= option with 2 specified expands the table of contents to two levels.
options nodate nonumber orientation=portrait;
proc sort data=sashelp.prdsale out=prdsale;
    by Country;

ods pdf file='your-file-path/PDFPrdsaleCustom.pdf' contents=yes pdftoc=2 style=Science;
title 'Actual Product Sales';
title2 '(millions of dollars)';

proc tabulate data=prdsale style=[fontweight=bold];   
    class region division prodtype / style=[textalign=center];   
    classlev region division prodtype / style=[textalign=left];   
    var actual / style=[fontsize=3];   
    keyword all sum;
    keylabel all='Total';   
    table (region all)*(division all*[style=[backgroundcolor=yellow]]),
          (prodtype all)*(actual*f=dollar10.) /
          style=[bordercolor=blue] style=[fontstyle=italic]];   


proc univariate data=prdsale;
    by Country;
    var actual;
ods pdf close;
Customized Table of Contents Created and Viewed in Adobe Acrobat
Customized Table of Contents Created and Viewed in Adobe Acrobat
Customized PDF Output Viewed in Adobe Acrobat
Customized PDF Output Viewed in Adobe Acrobat