S1000 Communications Access Method Errors

The S1000 (SAS API error) return code is often accompanied by error messages that are returned by your communications access method. The following tables list some of the messages and explain them.
In addition to these error messages, information can sometimes be found in a trace file. A trace file is created in the working directory of the ODBC client application if it fails to connect to a SAS server. The trace file has a name in the form WQExxxxx.TRC, where xxxxx is the process ID of the ODBC client application at the time of failure.
S1000 Communications Access Method Errors
Message Text
Memory failure
Not enough memory is available.
Network failure
An unspecified network failure occurred.
No server found
The remote server was not found.
Remote closed connection
The SAS server disconnected.
Remote refused connection
The remote system disallowed a connection. Check the remote services file.
Start SAS failure—please check your SAS server parameters
The ShellExecute statement failed when starting SAS. Check to see whether the SAS paths are specified properly.
TCP method Winsock API <function-name> failed with WSAGetLastError <rc>
A TCP/IP Winsock return code (rc) was returned. The return codes are listed in TCP/IP Winsock Return Codes.
Timeout waiting for the SAS server—check the startup options
A SAS server did not register itself as a server within the specified time period.
Unable to locate remote host
TCP/IP could not find the remote host name.
Unable to locate service
TCP/IP could not find the server name in the services file.
Userid.password security failure
User ID and password verification failed on the remote machine.
You must connect to SAS/SHARE on a remote machine
You must select SAS/SHARE in the SAS ODBC Driver Configuration dialog box Servers page to connect to a remote machine.