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European Currency Conversion

Overview to European Currency Conversion

SAS enables you to convert European currency from one country's currency to an equivalent amount in another country's currency. You can also convert a country's currency to euros, and you can convert euros to a specific country's currency.

SAS provides a group of formats, informats, and a function to use for currency conversion. The set of formats EURFRISO can be used to convert specific European currencies to an amount in euros. ISO represents an ISO standard 4214 currency code. For a complete list of the ISO standard 4217 currency codes, see

Fixed Rates for Euro Conversion

Twenty-five European countries comprise the EMU (European Monetary Union). The conversion rates for 12 countries are fixed, and are incorporated into the EURFRISO and EURTOISO formats and into the EUROCURR function. The following table lists the currency codes and conversion rates for the specific currencies whose rates are fixed.

Fixed Rates for Euro Conversion
ISO Currency Code Conversion Rate Currency
ATS 13.7603 Austrian schilling
BEF 40.3399 Belgian franc
DEM 1.95583 Deutsche mark
ESP 166.386 Spanish peseta
EUR 1 Euro
FIM 5.94573 Finnish markka
FRF 6.55957 French franc
GRD 340.750 Greek drachma
IEP 0.787564 Irish pound
ITL 1936.27 Italian lira
LUF 40.3399 Luxembourg franc
NLG 2.20371 Dutch guilder
PTE 200.482 Portuguese escudo

Variable Rates for Euro Conversion

For 13 countries in the EMU, currency conversion rates can fluctuate. The conversion rates for these countries are stored in an ASCII text file that you reference with the EURFRTBL fileref.

The following table lists the currency codes and conversion rates for the currencies of the EMU countries whose rates fluctuate.

Variable Rates for Euro Conversion
ISO Currency Code Conversion Rate Currency
CHF 1.60430 Swiss franc
CZK 34.8563 Czech koruna
DKK 7.49009 Danish krone
GBP 0.700132 British pound
HUF 260.325 Hungarian forint
NOK 9.19770 Norwegian krone
PLZ 4.2 Polish zloty
ROL 13.71 Romanian leu
RUR 19.7680 Russian ruble
SEK 9.36591 Swedish krona
SIT 191 Slovenian tolar
TRL 336.912 Turkish lira
YUD 13.0644 Yugoslavian dinar

Example: Converting between a European Currency and Euros

The following example shows the conversion from Belgian francs to euros. The EURFRBEF format divides the country's currency amount by the exchange rate:

CurrencyAmount / ExchangeRate
12345 / 40.3399 

Example Code: Conversion from Belgian Francs to Euros

data _null_
x=12345 /*convert from Belgian francs to euros*/
put x eurfrbef15.2;



The following example shows the conversion of euros to Belgian francs. The EURTOBEF format multiplies euros by the target currency's exchange rate:

EurosAmount * ExchangeRate
12345 * 40.3399 

Example Code: Conversion from Euros to Belgian Francs

data _null_
x=12345; /*convert from euros to Belgian francs*/
put x eurtobef15.2;



Direct Conversion between European Currencies

The EUROCURR function uses the conversion rate tables to convert between currencies. For conversion between the currencies of two countries,

  1. SAS converts the amount to euros.

    Note:   SAS stores the intermediate value as precisely as the operating environment allows, and does not round the value.   [cautionend]

  2. SAS converts the amount in euros to an amount in the target currency.

SourceCurrencyAmount --> EurosAmount --> TargetCurrencyAmount

BelgianFrancs --> euros 
12345 / 40.3399 = 306.02456 euros

Euros --> FrenchFrancs
306.02456 * 6.55957 = 2007.3895 French francs

Example Code: Conversion from Belgian Francs to French Francs

data _null_;
x=eurocurr(12345,'bef','frf'); /*convert from Belgian francs to French francs*/
put x=;



SAS converts Belgian francs to euros, and then euros to French francs.

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