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Glossary |
the process whereby a user reads, writes, or updates SAS files that are stored on a different operating environment across a network. Such a user typically does not own the files.
the ability of a SAS client that runs a particular version of SAS (such as SAS 9 or SAS 8) to read, write, and update a SAS file that was created using an earlier version of SAS (such as SAS 6) as long as the client's application does not implement new features such as long names. The SAS client and application that run the later version are said to be backward compatible with the SAS file that was created using the earlier version. See also forward compatibility.
a file that contains information that can be read by one or more software applications but not by humans. Some binary files are executable programs. Others store images, sounds, data, or a combination of printable and non-printable characters. Binary files cannot be edited with a text editor.
See SAS catalog.
See SAS catalog entry.
See Cross-Environment Data Access.
a SAS session that is running on a client computer. A client session accepts SAS statements and passes those that are submitted to the server for processing. The client session manages the output and messages from both the client session and the server session.
an interface between SAS and the network protocol or interface that is used to connect two operating environments. Depending on the operating environments, SAS/SHARE and SAS/CONNECT use either the TCP/IP or XMS communications access method. See also TCP/IP and XMS (Cross-Memory Services).
See architectural compatibility.
the process of changing the format of SAS files to the format that is used by SAS in the target operating environment. See also copying SAS files and target operating environment.
the process of transferring SAS files between compatible operating environments, either by means of a magnetic medium or across a network. No transporting or converting is performed. See also converting SAS files, moving SAS files, and transporting SAS files.
a feature of SAS software that enables a SAS data file that was created in any directory-based operating environment (for example, Solaris, Windows, HP-UX, OpenVMS) to be read by a SAS session that is running in another directory- based environment. You can access the SAS data files without using any intermediate conversion steps. Short form: CEDA. See also data representation, foreign file format, and native file format.
See DCB (data control block).
the reliability of numeric data in a SAS file that is exchanged between operating environments. Compatible operating environments, which use the same internal representation for storing floating-point numeric data, exchange numeric data with no loss of precision. Precision is lost when numeric data is passed between incompatible operating environments. See also architectural compatibility.
See SAS data set.
See SAS data view.
on IBM mainframe operating systems such as z/OS and OS/390, a storage area that contains information about the physical characteristics of an operating system data set.
a set of characters (letters, East Asian logograms, digits, punctuation marks, symbols, and control characters) that have been mapped to hexadecimal values (called code points) that can be used by computers. An encoding results from applying an encoding method to a specific character set. Groups of encodings that apply the same encoding method to different character sets are sometimes referred to as families of encodings. For example, German EBCDIC is an encoding in the EBCDIC family, Windows Cyrillic is an encoding in the Windows family, and Latin 1 is an encoding in the ISO 8859 family. See also character set and encoding method.
a component of SAS that reads from or writes to a file. Each engine enables SAS to access files that are in a particular file format. There are several types of engines. See also V9 engine, V8 engine, V7 engine, V6 engine, and transport engine.
a characteristic of a SAS catalog entry that identifies the catalog entry's structure and attributes to SAS. When you create a SAS catalog entry, SAS automatically assigns the entry type as part of the name. See also SAS catalog entry.
a file that is created and maintained by a host operating system or by another vendor's software application. SAS can read data from and route output to external files. External files can contain raw data, SAS programming statements, procedure output, or output that was created by the PUT statement. A SAS data set is not an external file. See also fileref (file reference).
the result of an operation that changes a file's data or the file's header, causing the file's structure or contents to be inaccessible. A common cause of corruption during file transport is that the transport file contains one or more incorrectly placed carriage returns or line feeds to mark the end of record, which makes the entire file unreadable after it is transferred across a network. Communications software can also cause corruption if it changes file attributes such as logical record length, block size, or record format.
See FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
a name that is temporarily assigned to an external file or to an aggregate storage location such as a directory or a folder. The fileref identifies the file or the storage location to SAS. See also libref (library reference).
a relative term that contrasts the internal data representation of a file with that of an operating environment. If the internal formats are not the same, the file format is considered to be foreign to the operating environment. For example, the format of a file that is created in an OS/390 or z/OS operating environment is considered to be foreign to Windows operating environments. Foreign file formats are also referred to as non-native file formats. See also native file format.
the ability of a SAS client that runs a particular version of SAS to read, write, and update a SAS file that was created using a later version of SAS as long as the SAS file does not implement features such as long names that are specific to the later version. The accessing SAS client and the application that run the earlier version of SAS are said to be forward compatible with the SAS file that was created using the later version. See also backward compatibility.
a TCP/IP-specific telecommunications protocol that is used for transferring files across a network. FTP requires a user to supply a user ID and usually a password in order to access a server.
the process of returning SAS transport files to their original form (SAS library, SAS catalog, or SAS data set) in a format that is appropriate for the target operating environment. The terms 'import' and 'restore' can both be used to describe this process, but 'import' usually refers to the use of the CIMPORT procedure. See also restoring transport files.
See architectural compatibility.
a set of data validation rules that you can specify in order to restrict the data values that can be stored for a variable in a SAS data file. Integrity constraints help you preserve the validity and consistency of your data.
a SAS data set that consists of pieces of information that can be accessed independently. The contents of an item store are organized in a directory tree structure, which is similar to the directory structures that are used by UNIX System Services or by Windows. For example, a particular value might be stored and located using a directory path (root_dir/sub_dir/value). The SAS Registry is an example of an item store.
a language that is used in the z/OS and OS/390 operating environments to communicate information about a job to the operating system, including information about the data sets, execution time, and amount of memory that the job needs.
See JCL (Job Control Language).
See libref (library reference).
a name that is temporarily associated with a SAS library. The complete name of a SAS file consists of two words, separated by a period. The libref, which is the first word, indicates the library. The second word is the name of the specific SAS file. For example, in VLIB.NEWBDAY, the libref VLIB tells SAS which library contains the file NEWBDAY. You assign a libref with a LIBNAME statement or with an operating system command.
a value that reflects the language, local conventions, and culture for a geographic region. Local conventions can include specific formatting rules for dates, times, and numbers, and a currency symbol for the country or region. Collating sequences, paper sizes, and conventions for postal addresses and telephone numbers are also typically specified for each locale. Some examples of locale values are French_Canada, Portuguese_Brazil, and Chinese_Singapore.
an enhancement that was implemented in SAS 7 to extend the maximum length of names from the maximum lengths that were applicable in SAS 6. This enhancement applies to the names of variables, data sets, procedures, options, statement labels, librefs, and filerefs. Maximum lengths for long names vary according to the type of name. Truncation rules are applied to long names when a file that was created using SAS 7 or later is used in a SAS 6 operating environment.
a specialized data storage structure in which data is presummarized and cross-tabulated and then stored as individual cells in a matrix format, rather than in the row-and-column format of relational database tables. The source data can come either from a data warehouse or from other data sources. MDDBs can give users quick, unlimited views of multiple relationships in large quantities of summarized data.
a SAS name that identifies the type of information that is stored in a SAS file. Member types include ACCESS, AUDIT, DMBD, DATA, CATALOG, FDB, INDEX, ITEMSTOR, MDDB, PROGRAM, UTILITY, and VIEW.
the process of moving SAS files (data and applications) from an operating environment that runs a particular version of SAS to another operating environment that runs a later version of SAS. Files are migrated in order to take advantage of features from the later version. See also moving SAS files.
the process of passing SAS files from one operating environment to another operating environment, either by means of magnetic media or across a network. Three specific variations of moving a SAS file are converting, copying, and transporting. See also converting SAS files, copying SAS files, and transporting SAS files.
See MDDB (multidimensional database).
a relative term that compares the internal data representation of a file with that of an operating environment. If the internal formats are the same, the file format is considered to be native to the operating environment. For example, the format of a file that is created in a Windows operating environment is considered to be native to Windows operating environments. See also foreign file format.
See data precision.
the process of moving SAS files from a particular version of SAS to an earlier version -- for example, from SAS 9 to SAS 6.12. If the files created in the later version contain features such as integrity constraints that are not supported in the earlier version, then you cannot regress the files. Instead, you re-create the files in an operating environment that runs the later version of SAS.
the process of returning SAS transport files to their original form (SAS library, SAS catalog, or SAS data set) in the format that is appropriate to the target operating environment. Restoration is performed using either of two techniques, as appropriate: 1) the COPY procedure to restore a SAS transport file that was created by the COPY procedure with the XPORT engine, 2) the CIMPORT procedure to restore a SAS transport file that was created by the CPORT procedure. Restoring is also referred to as reading or importing transport files. See also importing transport files.
a SAS file that stores many different kinds of information in smaller units called catalog entries. A single SAS catalog can contain several different types of catalog entries. See also SAS catalog entry.
a separate storage unit within a SAS catalog. Each entry has an entry type that identifies its purpose to SAS. Some catalog entries contain system information such as key definitions. Other catalog entries contain application information such as window definitions, Help windows, SAS formats and informats, macros, or graphics output. See also entry type.
a type of SAS data set that contains data values as well as descriptor information that is associated with the data. The descriptor information includes information such as the data types and lengths of the variables, as well as the name of the engine that was used to create the data. See also SAS data set and SAS data view.
a file whose contents are in one of the native SAS file formats. There are two types of SAS data sets: SAS data files and SAS data views. SAS data files contain data values in addition to descriptor information that is associated with the data. SAS data views contain only the descriptor information plus other information that is required for retrieving data values from other SAS data sets or from files whose contents are in other software vendors' file formats. See also descriptor information.
a standard filename identifier that conveys information about these file attributes: 1) the SAS engine that was used to create the file, 2) the architecture of the operating environment in which the file was created, and 3) the member type. SAS uses filename extensions to identify the appropriate files for access. See also architectural compatibility, member type, V9 engine, V8 engine, and V7 engine.
the operating environment from which you move a SAS file.
the operating environment to which you move a SAS file.
an abbreviation for a pair of networking protocols. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard protocol for transferring information on local area networks such as Ethernets. TCP ensures that process-to-process information is delivered in the appropriate order. Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol for managing connections between operating environments. IP routes information through the network to a particular operating environment and fragments and reassembles information in transfers.
the process of delivering SAS files from a source operating environment to a target operating environment, either by means of a magnetic medium or across a network. See also copying SAS files.
an operating environment-specific SAS catalog entry that is used to translate the value of one character to another. Translation tables often are needed to support the use of multiple national languages in an application. An example of a translation table is one that converts characters from EBCDIC to ASCII-ISO.
a facility that transforms a SAS file from its operating environment-specific internal representation to transport format. See also transport format, transport file, and transporting SAS files.
a sequential file that contains a SAS library, a SAS catalog, or a SAS data set in transport format. You can use transport files to move SAS data libraries, SAS catalogs, and SAS data sets from one operating environment to another. See also transporting SAS files.
either of two file formats that are used to move SAS data sets, SAS data libraries, and SAS catalogs from one operating environment to another. One transport format is produced when the COPY procedure is used with the XPORT engine. The other transport format is produced by the CPORT and CIMPORT procedures. Each of these transport formats is the same in all operating environments. See also transporting SAS files, transport file, and transport engine.
the process of putting SAS files into transport format and moving them between incompatible operating environments. The transport process creates a transport file in the source operating environment, transfers the transport file to the target operating environment, and restores the transport file to the native format in the target operating environment. If the source and target operating environments run different versions of SAS, the transport process implicitly converts the file only from an earlier version of SAS to a later version. See also architectural compatibility, transport file, transport format, converting SAS files, and transferring SAS files.
the default engine for SAS 6. This engine accesses SAS files in SAS 6 data libraries.
the default engine for SAS 7. This engine accesses SAS files in SAS 7 data libraries. The SAS 9, SAS 8, and SAS 7 file formats are identical.
the default engine for SAS 8. This engine accesses SAS files in SAS 8 data libraries. The SAS 9, SAS 8, and SAS 7 file formats are identical.
the default engine for SAS 9. This engine accesses SAS files in SAS 9 data libraries. The SAS 9, SAS 8, and SAS 7 file formats are identical.
a markup language that structures information by tagging it for content, meaning, or use. Structured information contains both content (for example, words or numbers) and an indication of what role the content plays. For example, content in a section heading has a different meaning from content in a database table.
See XML LIBNAME engine.
the SAS engine that processes XML documents. The engine exports an XML document from a SAS data set by translating the proprietary SAS file format to XML markup. The engine also imports an external XML document by translating XML markup to a SAS data set.
the SAS transport engine. This engine accesses SAS files in transport format.
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