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XPORT Engine with DATA Step or PROC COPY

Regressing SAS Data Sets to SAS 6 Format

The UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD procedures in SAS/CONNECT and PROC COPY with the XPORT engine are the only strategies available for regressing a data set to SAS 6.

Note:   SAS/CONNECT requires a separate license.  [cautionend]

The support of long variable names, long variable labels, and long data set labels in SAS 9 and SAS 8 can make SAS 9 and SAS 8 data sets incompatible with SAS 6 data sets. In order to revert back to SAS 6, these long names must be truncated to a length that is supported in SAS 6. Here are the truncation rules:

SAS 9 and SAS 8 Data Set Object Names to Regress Number of Characters for SAS 6
Data set labels 40
Variable labels 40
Variable names 8

In order to transport SAS 9 and SAS 8 files back to SAS 6, set the portable VALIDVARNAME system option to the value V6 in the SAS session in which you are transporting the file. Here are examples, which are specified in the form of a SAS system option and a macro variable:


For details about setting the VALIDVARNAME system option, see VALIDVARNAME= in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

The truncation algorithm that is used to produce the eight-character variable name also resolves conflicting names:

The VALIDVARNAME option solves the long variable name truncation problem. However, there are no techniques for regressing these SAS 9 or SAS 8 features to SAS 6:

The solution to regressing data sets that have these features is to re-create the data sets without the SAS 9 or SAS 8 features in a SAS 9 or SAS 8 session.

Note:   SAS/CONNECT does support uploading or downloading some catalog entries from SAS 9 or 8 to SAS 6. For details, see PROC UPLOAD and PROC DOWNLOAD in SAS/CONNECT User's Guide .  [cautionend]

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