Virtual members are
associated with those records that have missing values in one or more
columns. The values associated with virtual members will be included
in the roll-up for security totals if you have permission conditions
set to see the virtual parent of the virtual member.
For example, here is
a sample data set.
. . 30 5
Atlantic . 10 35
Atlantic Eastern US 5 .
Atlantic Great Britain 12 .
Atlantic France 8 .
Atlantic Spain 5 .
Pacific . -5 30
Pacific Western US 8 .
Pacific Japan 12 .
Pacific Korea 10 .
In this data set, if
the user has a permission conditions to see the following:
{[salesregion].[all regions],
[salesregion].[all regions].[atlantic],
[salesregion].[all regions].[atlantic].children}
the value for the [salesregion].[all regions] member would include
records from rows 1 through 6.
Here is a possible
query of that data:
measures on 0,
salesregion.members on 1
FROM nonleaf
Here is the resulting data from that query:
sum of actual
all regions 70
atlantic 40
eastern us 5
great britain 12
france 8
spain 5
These are the values
that you will see when the permission condition is set and the SECURITY_SUBSET
option is set to YES. Note that if the permission condition is set,
but the SECURITY_SUBSET option is not set, then the values will be