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MDX Usage Examples

Session-Level Calculated Member Examples

The data that is used in these examples is from a company that sells electronics and outdoor and sporting goods equipment.

Example 1

This example creates the session-level calculated member called avg_price in the sales cube on the Measures dimension. This calculated measure shows the average price:

create session
    member [sales].[measures].[avg_price] as
      '[Measures].[total] / [Measures].[qty]'   

Nothing is returned when you create a session-level calculated member.

Example 2

This example uses the session-level calculated member called "avg_price." It shows the quantity, total, and average price of goods sold from 1998 through 2000.

    {[measures].[qty], [measures].[total],
 [measures].[avg_price]} ON COLUMNS,
    {[time].[all time].children} ON ROWS
 FROM sales

Here is the resulting output:

Year Qty Total Average Price
1998 440,852 10,782,352.94 24.4579880322648
1999 539,433 14,080,419.58 26.1022584454418
2000 32,267 859,108.83 26.6249986053863

Example 3

This example uses the session-level calculated member called "avg_price." It shows the quantity, total, and average price of goods sold in different customer regions.

    {[measures].[qty], [measures].[total],
 [measures].[avg_price]} ON COLUMNS,
    {[customer].[all customer].children} ON ROWS
 FROM sales 

Here is the resulting output:

Region Qty Total Average Price
Central 157,659 3,942,290.26 25.0051710336866
Mid-Atlantic 79,555 2,011,008.77 25.2782197222048
Midwest 259,759 6,614,999.09 25.4659091311562
Mountains 32,768 838,064.62 25.5757025146485
Northeast 143,934 3,658,452.99 25.4175732627454
South-Central 64,943 1,662,479.79 25.5990605607995
Southeast 122,888 3,134,589.55 25.5076944046611
West 151,046 3,859,996.28 25.5551042728705

Example 4

This example uses the session-level calculated member called "avg_price." It shows the quantity, total, and average price of goods sold in the different product groups.

    {[measures].[qty], [measures].[total],
 [measures].[avg_price]} On COLUMNS,
    {[product].[all product].children} ON ROWS
 FROM sales

Here is the resulting output:

Product Qty Total Average Price
Doing 191,321 4,850,302.26 25.3516459771797
Electronics 330,977 8,426,846.64 25.4605203382712
Health & Fitness 185,909 4,717,790.80 25.3768822380842
Outdoor & Sporting 304,345 7,726,941.65 25.3887583170415

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