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MDX Usage Examples

Session-Named Set Examples

The data that is used in these examples is from a company that sells electronics and outdoor and sporting goods equipment.

Example 1

This example creates the session-named set called "prod in SE" in the sales cube. This named set shows the crossing of the product family with the customer members in the Southeast.

   set sales.[prod in se] as '
        [customer].[all customer].[southeast].children, 

Nothing is returned when you create a session-named set.

Example 2

This example creates the session-named set called "prod in NE" in the sales cube. This named set shows the crossing of the product family with the customer members in the Northeast.

   set sales.[prod in ne] as '
        [customer].[all customer].[northeast].children, 

Nothing is returned when you create a session-level named set.

Example 3

This example uses the session-named set called "prod in SE." It shows the quantity and total sales for products that customers in the Southeast purchased.

    {[measures].[qty], [measures].[total]} ON COLUMNS,    
    [prod in se] ON ROWS 
FROM sales

Here is the resulting output:

State Product Qty Total
FL Doing 21,091 550,672.41
FL Electronics 31,056 794,730.61
FL Health & Fitness 16,321 415,708.57
FL Outdoor & Sporting 30,065 742,907.85
GA Doing 1,907 44,360.08
GA Electronics 2,316 61,577.03
GA Health & Fitness 1,318 35,589.84
GA Outdoor & Sporting 2,458 68,438.03
NC Doing 235 5,404.65
NC Electronics 3,727 101,688.42
NC Health & Fitness 1,228 31,310.45
NC Outdoor & Sporting 835 21,312.83
SC Doing 1 ,266 31,596.69
SC Electronics 2,646 66,565.97
SC Health & Fitness 3,483 89,633.82
SC Outdoor & Sporting 2,936 73,092.30

Example 4

This example uses the session-named set called "prod in NE." It shows the quantity and total sales for products that customers in the Northeast purchased.

   {[measures].[qty], [measures].[total]} ON COLUMNS,
   [prod in ne] ON ROWS
 FROM sales 

Here is the resulting output:

State Product Qty Total
CT Doing 844 20,961.12
CT Electronics 2,659 69,540.52
CT Health & Fitness 969 22,995.63
CT Outdoor & Sporting 2,569 61,528.35
MA Doing 7,918 206,472.36
MA Electronics 11,184 281,371.34
MA Health & Fitness 4,339 105,356.59
MA Outdoor & Sporting 10,076 250,323.21
ME Doing 1,362 35,151.55
ME Electronics 4,496 110,153.94
ME Health & Fitness 2,218 58,342.02
ME Outdoor & Sporting 3,014 79,426.68
NH Doing 141 4,207.76
NH Electronics 466 10,750.48
NH Health & Fitness 1,095 26,158.29
NH Outdoor & Sporting 603 14,893.73
NY Doing 17,493 435,513.26
NY Electronics 29,246 759,166.44
NY Health & Fitness 13,880 347,481.77
NY Outdoor & Sporting 26,714 692,416.36
RI Doing 265 6,437.18
RI Electronics 833 22,723.54
RI Health & Fitness 693 17,760.85
RI Outdoor & Sporting 857 19,320.02

Example 5

This example uses both of the session-named sets called "prod in NE" and "prod in SE". It shows the quantity and total sales for products that customers in the Northeast and the Southeast purchased.

    {[measures].[qty], [measures].[total]} ON COLUMNS,
    {[prod in ne], [prod in se]} ON ROWS
 FROM sales

Here is the resulting output:

State Product Qty Total
CT Doing 844 20,961.12
CT Electronics 2,659 69,540.52
CT Health & Fitness 969 22,995.63
CT Outdoor & Sporting 2,569 61,528.35
MA Doing 7,918 206,472.36
MA Electronics 11,184 281,371.34
MA Health & Fitness 4,339 105,356.59
MA Outdoor & Sporting 10,076 250,323.21
ME Doing 1,362 35,151.55
ME Electronics 4,496 110,153.94
ME Health & Fitness 2,218 58,342.02
ME Outdoor & Sporting 3,014 79,426.68
NH Doing 141 4,207.76
NH Electronics 466 10,750.48
NH Health & Fitness 1,095 26,158.29
NH Outdoor & Sporting 603 14,893.73
NY Doing 17,493 435,513.26
NY Electronics 29,246 759,166.44
NY Health & Fitness 13,880 347,481.77
NY Outdoor & Sporting 26,714 692,416.36
RI Doing 265 6,437.18
RI Electronics 833 22,723.54
RI Health & Fitness 693 17,760.85
RI Outdoor & Sporting 857 19,320.02
FL Doing 21,091 550,672.41
FL Electronics 31,056 794,730.61
FL Health & Fitness 16,321 415,708.57
FL Outdoor & Sporting 30,065 742,907.85
GA Doing 1,907 44,360.08
GA Electronics 2,316 61,577.03
GA Health & Fitness 1,318 35,589.84
GA Outdoor & Sporting 2,458 68,438.03
NC Doing 235 5,404.65
NC Electronics 3,727 101,688.42
NC Health & Fitness 1,228 31,310.45
NC Outdoor & Sporting 835 21,312.83
SC Doing 1,266 31,596.69
SC Electronics 2,646 66,565.97
SC Health & Fitness 3,483 89,633.82
SC Outdoor & Sporting 2,936 73,092.30

Example 6

This example removes (drops) the session-named set called "prod in SE" in the sales cube.

DROP SET sales.[prod in SE]

Nothing is returned when you drop a session-named set.

Example 7

This example removes (drops) the session-named set called "prod in NE" in the sales cube.

DROP SET [sales].[prod in NE]  

Nothing is returned when you drop a session-named set.

Additional Named Set Examples

Example of a session set using SQL pass-through and CREATE SET:

proc sql;    
  connect to olap (host=host-name port=port-number         
          user="userid" pass="password");       
        create set booksnall.threeyears as       
        {[YQM].[All YQM].[1999] :[YQM].[All YQM].[2001]}     
   ) by olap;        
      create table temp as select * from connection to olap 
   SELECT  threeyears ON COLUMNS  ,         
       {[products].[all products].[books]} ON ROWS          
       FROM [booksnall]     
   disconnect from olap; 

Example of how to drop a set by using DROP SET:

proc sql; 
connect to olap (host=host-name port=port-number user="userid"                    

   DROP SET booksnall.threeyears  
) by olap;  

disconnect from olap; 

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