Training Summary Data Set Reports

About Training Summary Data Set Reports

A Training Summary Data Set report creates frequency and distribution charts that summarize the train table variables. Using the default train table, SAS Model Manager generates data sets in the Resources folder that contain numeric and character variable summaries, and variable distributions. These data sets are used to create the summary report. Before you can create the report, you must generate the training summary data sets.

Generate the Training Summary Data Sets

To generate the training summary data sets:
  1. Click on the version folder Version folder and verify that the Default Train Table property contains the train table for the report.
  2. Right-click the version and select Generate Training Summary Data Set. The Generate Training Summary Data Set window appears.
  3. Select the variables for the report by selecting the box that is next to each variable in the Select column. To select all variables, click Select All.
  4. Click OK. SAS Model Manager creates data sets in the Resources folder.

Create a Training Summary Data Set Report

To generate a train table summary report for a version:
  1. Expand the version folder Version folder.
  2. Right-click the Reports folder and select New Report. The New Report window appears.
    New Report Window for Training Summary Data Set Report
  3. Select Training Summary Data Set Report from the Type list box.
  4. In the Format list box, select the type of output that you want to create. The default is PDF. Other options are HTML, RTF, and EXCEL.
  5. In the Style list box, select a style for the output. The default is SAS default. Other options are Seaside, Meadow, and Harvest.
  6. In the Report Properties box, complete Name and Description properties if you do not want to use the default values. The default value for the Name property uses the form TrainingSummaryDataSet_DdateTtime. The name can contain letters, spaces, the underscore ( _ ), the hyphen ( - ), and the period ( . ). Click OK.
  7. A dialog box message confirms that the report was created successfully.

See Also