Before you run the %MM_RunReports()
macro, you must extract the model from the publishing channel to a
local computer. The model must have been published to the channel
from the project folder. The %MM_GetModels() macro extracts models
and auxiliary files from a SAS Publishing Framework SPK file to the
local computer. All models that were published to the specified channel
are included in the SPK file for a given SAS Model Manager project.
If a model has been published multiple times over the channel, the
latest model is used in the extraction. The macro then extracts the
files from the SPK file to their respective folders on the local computer.
The auxiliary files are extracted to the model folder and the model
score code is extracted to a folder named
which the macro creates as a subfolder of the model folder.
Note: You can run the %MM_GetModels()
macro when no new model has been published to the channel for a SAS
Model Manager project.
The auxiliary files
include three SAS data sets:
current.sas7bdat contains project
and model metadata
logs.sas7bdat contains the SAS
logs that were created during the model extraction process
processingspk.sas7bdat contains
information that is necessary to process the SPK file
The models in the
are named using the project UUID as the model folder name. The %MM_RunReports()
macro uses the mm_jobs.project data set to determine the project UUID.
The project UUID is then used as the name of the model on the local
computer for scoring when the performance monitoring reports are created.
The current data set
contains project and model information and is used by the %MM_RunReports()
macro. To ensure that the %MM_RunReports() macro is using the most
current project and model metadata, always run the %MM_GetModels()
macro before you run the %MM_RunReports() macro. For a list of the
information that is contained in the current data set,
see The current.sas7bdat Data Set.