Version Properties

About Version Properties

Version properties are metadata that describe the version attributes. Version metadata includes information such as the name of the version, the owner, unique identifiers, the name and path of the SAS Model Manager repository, and the tables that SAS Model Manager uses to score the models.
Version properties are organized into several types:
You cannot modify the General Properties or System Properties except to specify a description for the folder. The Specific Properties contain information about tables that the version uses and properties to monitor the life cycle of the version. You use User-Defined Properties to add your own version properties. The background color of a property determines whether you can modify a property value. You modify only the fields that are white. When you click in a field, you either enter a value or select a value from the list box.

Version-Specific Properties

Here is a list of the specific properties for a version.
Property Name
Default Scoring Task Input Table
Specifies a default SAS data set that is used as the input data table for all scoring tasks within the SAS Model Manager version. If you specify a value for the Default Scoring Task Input Table property, the value is used as the default input table in the New Scoring Task window if a default scoring task input table is not specified for the model.
Default Scoring Task Output Table
Specifies a default SAS data set that defines the variables to keep in the scoring results table of the scoring task. If you specify a value for the Default Scoring Task Output Table property, the value is used as the default output table in the New Scoring Task window if a default scoring task output table is not specified for the model.
Default Performance Table
Specifies the default performance table for all model performance monitoring tasks within a SAS Model Manager version.
The value of the Default Performance Table property is used as the default value for the Performance data source field in the Define Performance Task wizard if a default performance table is not specified for the model.
Default Train Table
The train table is optional and is used for information as well as the Training Data Set Summary report. When a value is specified for a model's Default Train Table property, SAS Model Manager does the following:
  • uses default train table to validate scoring functions or scoring model files when a user publishes the associated project champion model or challenger models to a database.
  • checks the Validate scoring results box in the Publish Scoring Function window.
The value of the Default Train Table property is used to validate scoring functions or scoring model files only if a default train table is not specified for the model.
Specifies the current status of the version.
Champion Model Name
If a champion model has been set for a project, specifies one of the following:
  • the name of the present champion model for the project
  • the name of the model that was last set as the champion model for the project, when the champion model has been retired or cleared
Date Frozen
Specifies the date on which the version was frozen.
Production Date
Specifies the date on which the status of the Production milestone task in the version's life cycle was changed from Started to Complete.
Date Retired
Specifies the date on which the status of the Retire milestone task in the version's life cycle was changed from Started to Complete.