Performance Report Output Files

The Monitoring report and Champion and Challenger report output files are stored in a report node under the Reports folder. The name of the report node is the value of the Name field that you specified in the New Report window Report Properties table.
Here are the files that are created each time you create a report:
  • the report in either HTML, PDF, RTF, or Excel format
  • taskCode.log
Here is a description of the model comparison output files:
Report File
This file is the report output in HTML format.
This file is the report output in PDF format.
This file is the report output in RTF format.
This file is the report output in Excel format.
This file is the log file that contains messages from running the SAS code to create the report.
This file is the SAS code that is used to create the report.
After you create a report, you view the report from the Reports folder.